Friday, April 4, 2008

Obama's Church Receives Violent Threats

No Kidding! I couldn't have seen that coming!

Despite the fact that the Rev. Wright made a hasty exit with reports saying that he "retired", he seemed to have left his church high and dry to deal with the result of his hate and rage. While Rev. Wright has canceled all speaking engagements and virtually disappeared, his congregation is being pummeled with threats of violence both in writing and over the phone.

Hum, I don't know who Rev. Wright could have angered or offended with his racial remarks and hatred for American. Maybe 99.9% of Americans? Lets narrow that down a bit. His remarks about American could have offended anyone who actually likes being an American or is as the song goes "Proud to be an American." Not enough for you? Maybe when he said that "white people are an evil force that should be destroyed" some Caucasian individuals were slightly displeased. Side note - Pastor Pete, have you seen this in the Bible? Maybe the comment he made about "Jesus being a 'brother'?" If you find it let me know, chapter and verse, because I haven't been able to reference some of his comments. If that is not enough, maybe, just maybe some of Rev. Wright's own "brother's and sister's", intelligent African Americans might have felt some embarrassment about his comments.

I know as a white individual, I am neither proud or supportive of white supremacists or skin heads or the ever popular KKK. I believe the hatred and non-tolerance they preach is wrong, just as I believe the hatred and non-tolerance Rev. Wright preaches is wrong and his "black liberation theology" is part of a bigger problem of racial division and intolerance. The things that he preaches are no different than the racial division issues that plagued the 60's only this time the parties involved have switched places.

Now then, are the people who are placing these threatening phone calls and sending hate mail to the church justified because of Rev. Wrights actions. Absolutely not. These people (who probably call themselves Christians) are only adding fuel to a burning fire and are not acting as Jesus would. Let's use the popular "What Would Jesus Do" to look at this situation. First of all, Jesus would forgive. Jesus taught us to forgive when people do wrong or when they hurt us. Next, Jesus would embrace those who are hurting. That includes those people offended, the members of Rev. Wright's former congregation, and even Rev. Wright. Finally, Jesus would do everything he could to bring people together with love and tolerance for one another.

When we look at this situation we need to ask who it hurt the most. I think the answer is Jesus. I believe whenever someone spews hate and anger in the name of Jesus, it is so painful to him. It weakens all churches and gives people an excuse to not be part of a church. Maybe if love was shown to Rev. Wright and his former church, from all races, he could then understand what Jesus said in Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."


Pete Houpt said...

Ok, there is no scriptural reference to allow us to know Jesus' skin color except for the fack of where he was born/lived and the family that he came from. I would guess that He had olive colored skin as almost all do who are from the Middle-East. Seeing that is the culture and community that He came from. But no, nowhere does it ever say that He was a brother unless you take Genesis 1:26 "Let Us make man in Our image," to be physical. Then we would all be made in His image, white, olive, black, brown, everyone. Of course I believe Genesis to be speaking more spiritual than physical, but that is just me.

And btw, I totally agree with love over hate, the WWJD section, and the fact that it seems that many today are hurting not helping the cause of unity in America today.

Great post.

Jackie said...

Christ ain't just rambling when He says""Narrow is the way . . " huh?