Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Who's Your Daddy?

Can you imagine the daunting task of collecting DNA from nearly 600 people, photographing them, and then putting all the matches together? That is what the Heath Department in San Angelo Texas has been doing for the past couple of days.

Since no body seems to know what children belong with what parents from the FDLS compound, all individuals involved have been ordered to give DNA samples. It seems that the children at the compound call all women "mother" and all men "uncle". I guess that would prove confusing when a stranger asks a 4 year old who his mother is and he names three or four different women.

Reports are however that the testing results will not be available until June or July, ensuring that the children will stay in the states custody until then. That causes me to ask, where is Jerry Springer when you need him? When ever he runs DNA tests, he has results before the show is over. I'm sure that he would help. Someone should give him a call.

Most of the children have been placed in group homes, with some of the girls being placed in San Antonio. On the local news last night, one of the reports was live in the helicopter following the police escorted buses that were coming into town. She made a point of saying, "We know where the children are, but CPS has asked that we not reveal their location." What is that about? It is the old fashioned, "I know something you don't know...." How about, "The children have been placed at an undisclosed local location." That is all those kids need, a bunch of crazies driving around to all the local children's shelters looking for the "compound kids."

This is such an awful situation, I feel for all parties involved, but God bless those adults who went on the Today show yesterday. Their legal counsel should really not let them talk. I think they are hurting their case. It would be interesting to know what generation of this sect the adults are, but I would bet it was either second or third. They had obviously never been off the "ranch" and it brings to light the quality of education that the children are probably getting. I don't mean to be nasty, but wow. The women also seem as though they are in a daze, almost in a drug like haze. Scary stuff.

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