Friday, April 11, 2008

Hillary, You Might Want To Tell Bill To Move On....

Hillary has been highly criticized regarding her statement about having to "dodge bullets in Bosnia" when she was visiting there with her daughter several years ago, during Bill Clinton's term in office. The press went crazy trying to find footage of this, but came up empty handed, on the bullets flying anyway. They did find footage of her and Chelsea walking off an Air Force jet in Bosnia, very calmly, greeting people and shaking hands. Leave it to the press to find the actual Air Force pilot who flew them in. She backed away from the story, even making an attempt at joking about it with Jay Leno. The joke didn't work by the way - it would have worked had she not made the original comment herself, but she did, so it didn't.

Anyway, the press was moving on, digging up other stuff, when yesterday, her dear husband made a comment about it at a rally. He said, "She just made a mistake, she was tired, it was late at night." First of all, how do you make a mistake about whether or not you were shot at in Bosnia. I don't know about you, but I don't think that is something I would forget easily or confuse with another event - it is not like she has been shot at so many times. "Just another day at the office!" Second, Matt Lauer made the observation this morning on the "Today Show" that Hillary told the story not once, but three times, and two of those times were on morning talk shows. Can't you hear the conversation tonight at dinner, "Thanks a lot Bill, we had moved on, and you have to bring up the whole Bosnia thing again. Can't you just keep your mouth shut!"

This is not the only story that Hillary has evidently added details to for drama. She has also been criticized for one of her "sob" stories about insurance or lack there of. Recently she has been talking about a woman who could not receive care and subsequently died because she did not have health insurance. When the facts came out, it seems that the woman did have heath insurance and the hospital in question had did not deny her care, in fact they have no record of her ever seeking care.

Hillary really needs to start getting her stories straight. The Internet allows access to way to much information to try and "sneak" on past the American public. Wonder if she has ever heard the one about the boy who cried wolf?

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