Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Love A Good Laugh, But Come On!

Unless you have your head in the sand you have likely seen a picture of the front cover of the latest issue of The New Yorker. The issue that was released yesterday was titled "The Politics of Fear" and just in case you have not seen it, it depicts Barack and Michelle in the Oval Office seeming to be in a celebratory mood. They are doing the "fist tap" and smiling at each other.

Obama is dressed in a robe (like the Mid East kind not the bath kind), sandals, and a turban on his head. Michelle is wearing camouflage, combat boots, and has an assault rifle in her hands. On the wall, above the fire place is a picture of Osama bin Laden and in the fire place burning, is the American flag.

I find this cartoon completely tasteless and sick.

The magazine commented that the cover "combines a number of fantastical images about the Obamas and shows them for the obvious distortions they are. Satire is part of what we do, and it is meant to bring things out into the open, to hold up a mirror to prejudice, the hateful, and the absurd. And that is the spirit of this cover."

I am always up for satire and humor, but I see very little that is humorous in this picture. Have these people forgotten that we are in a war? Our men and women are continuing to die in Iraq and Afghanistan and we think that it is funny to show a presidential candidate not just supporting the enemy, but being the enemy.

Would it have been funny to have a cartoon with Hitler's picture in the Oval Office during World War I? At least Hitler did not attack the US on it's own soil as bin Laden did.

The Obama campaign responded with this statement, "The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama's right wing critics have tried to create, but most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree."

Senator McCain even came out from under his rock and said the cover was "totally inappropriate and frankly I understand if Senator Obama and his supporters would find it offensive."

Barack Obama is not a Muslim, he is a Christian. He never attended a Muslim school, and he did not place his hand on the Koran when he was sworn in as a Senator. He placed his hand on the Bible.

The cartoonist, Barry Blitt, took a fear that some Americans have spread as rumors and gave color to that image. The first amendment protects him and allows him to draw and publish things like this. Although it is protected, this cartoon, just like pornography, is ugly, disrespectful, and repugnant. He owes Senator Obama an apology as well as the friends and families of our solders who are fighting against the Taliban.

This just shows how far removed we are from the front lines of war. Something has to change.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Last weekend, the Obama family sat down and did an interview as a group. The interview, that was meant for one show, has created a sensation and every major network has aired clips of the interview as part of their news shows. When asked about the interview yesterday, Barack admitted that he and Michelle probably got carried away by allowing the interview and that no other interviews including the children would be taking place.

Now, I understand the need to protect your children and allowing an interview really puts them out there for the world to see, but I think that the interview has shown yet another side to Barack: the family man. I really think that it was a positive thing, but I do understand his hesitancy to do anymore like it.

Growing up in church, and seeing the process of hiring new preachers a few times, I understand how a church hires "the whole family, not just the preacher." That makes sense to me. I see some similarities when electing a president. I really think that it is important to see the potential candidates family and to see how the family interacts together. We are not just electing the president, we are electing the whole family.

There is no question that first ladies play a huge role in the years that their husbands serve as president. They have the potential to do many good things and I think everyone would agree that a good partnership between the first lady and president is a huge plus. The children of a president don't play such a role, but the way people interact with their kids gives a lot of insight to their character.

During the interview, the Obama girls, aged 10 and 7, spoke candidly about their dad, and things he does around the house that bug him. For example, his 10 year old spoke of being mortified when her dad shook the hand of a friend of hers instead of just "waving to her." The family laughed and teased each other, all in good fun. You could tell that this was the way the family acts when they are together, there was no acting or putting up a front. The girls were typical children, but were very polite, well mannered, and respectful. Both Obama and Michelle were also respectful of the girls which showed a really good family dynamic.

In a world where a "functional" family is uncommon and a two parent home is rare, isn't it nice to see a family that respects one another and loves each other? What a great example.

While I agree that children should not be exploited or exposed to the media unduly, I don't believe that this was big mistake on the part of the Obama's. I think it showed another side to the family that was very pleasant and well received.

And What Are You Doing For The Black Community Rev. Jackson?

It should come as no surprise that Jesse Jackson is not best friends with Barack Obama. Jackson eludes some of the very stereotypes that Obama has broken down or is attempting to, not to mention Jackson accusing Obama very publicly last September of "acting like he's white."

Sunday, as a guest on "Fox and Friends", Jackson made some rather crude, to say the least, comments about Barack Obama to another guest during a commercial break when he assumed the mic was turned off. Unknown to Jackson however, not only was the mic still live, the camera was on as well. The guest apparently asked Jackson what he thought of the recent speeches Obama has made to predominately black churches on morality, to which Jackson began by saying he believed that Obama was talking down to blacks and was not speaking about issues that are important to black communities. Then he made the unbelievable remark, "I wanna cut his male genitals (remember, I try to stay G rated) off." Of course he did not say male genitals, but if you have not seen this clip on TV just use your imagination.

Kind of harsh words coming from Jackson, especially since he was referring to speeches where Obama talked about issues such as absent fathers, opportunity, and responsibility. According to Jackson, Obama's speeches sound as if he is talking down to black people. He believes that Obama should talk to black people about "unemployment, the mortgage crisis, and the number of blacks in prison. Sounds like the same issues, just different subjects within those issues.

When Jackson found out that Fox planned to air the video, he quickly apologized for what he said were "hurtful and wrong" remarks. He said through a written release yesterday, "For any harm or hurt that this hot mic private conversation may have caused, I apologize. My support for Sen. Obama's campaign is wide, deep, and unequivocal." Said as if someone did this on purpose to try to catch him. Good grief!

Jackson also called Obama's campaign to apologize and the campaign released this statement, "He (Barack Obama) will continue to speak out about our responsibilities to ourselves and each other, and of course he accepts Rev. Jackson's apology. Campaign spokesman Bill Burton also emphasised that, " Obama has spoken for many years about parental responsibility as well as jobs, justice, and opportunity for all."

So what prompted these comments from Jackson. My first inclination is to say jealously. Jackson has run unsuccessful presidential campaigns and obviously still craves any media attention that he can get. I also think that Obama poses a threat to Jackson's "plight of the black man argument." If Obama proves successful in November, a black American will have broken down walls, and will have achieved the top position in the country. Any argument about hardships that black people have succeeding will sound weak.

Regardless of the reason, I think Jackson should slink away and lay low for a while. His true colors have been shown and it is doubtful that many people have too much respect for him at this time.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

To Be Fair, John McCain Likes Animals Too

With all the attention focused on Obama and his "Presidential Pup Search", McCain supports should relax to know that if John McCain is elected (Ha!) there will also be the sound of little paws in the White House for the next four years.

The McCain's actually have quite the zoo around their house with a total of 23 pets. The "McCanies" include an English Springer Spaniel named Sam and two Yorkshire Terriers named Lucy and Desi (yes, many voters are too young to even know who Lucy and Desi are). The family pets also include a cat, two turtles, a ferret, 3 parakeets and 13 salt water fish. Do you think John puts on his flippers and cleans out the fish tank?

To John McCain's credit, it does seem that he wins points for being an animal lover. I wonder if the ASPCA has researched if his animals were rescued........

Dog Days Of Summer in the Obama House

Have you heard the latest news about the Obama Campaign? It seems that the Obama girls have been wanting a dog for a long time and mom and dad have finally relented, telling the girls after the November election, the family can get a dog. The conservative press has had a field day with this sarcastic commenting about the importance of the "dog search" over the war or economy. They are right, but in a way, this dog search makes the Obama's more likable and more reachable to the American public. This could actually help him reach more voters.

The American Kennel Club has set up a poll (as have I) to determine what dog the Obama's should choose for their family pet. The options were chosen based on several criteria. First, evidently the Obama girls have some allergies so the AKC had to choose breeds that were anti-allergy. Since the girls are 10 and 7 breeds had to be child friendly and since part of presidential duties (assuming the Obama's become the first family) include frequent travel, the pet must be a good travel companion. Probably most important, the dog must have a stable and social temperament since he or she will be meeting a plethora of people from White House staff to heads of state. No need to take the Prime Minister's hand off.

The breeds that were chosen include:

Bichon Frise - the fluffy curly haired dog. I think that this is the kind Jessica Simpson has.

Chinese Crested - skinny almost hairless dog that has long hair on it's face.

Poodle - everybody knows what a poodle looks like.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - hair is always in his eyes - the dog on Disney movie "The Shaggy Dog".

Mini Schnauzer - adorable little dog - always has a little bow on top of its head.

(Sorry - the extend of my talent does not allow me to upload photos - I tried)

Although family dogs have little to do with running the country, they make the president more real, more down to earth. I can almost see the minds of Americans working, "Well if he picks up dog poop just like me......."

Of course, as with any move a potential president makes, there are critics. The web is full of sites urging the Obama's to adopt a dog from a shelter rather than buying a fancy expensive breed. Of course he will get grief either way I'm sure.

We will see in November who our next president will be and more importantly, what kind of dog the Obama's will welcome into their home.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Um, Senator McCain, Did You Forget About the Election?

It seems through John McCain's actions of late, he has completely forgotten that he is (or rather should be) actively engaged in the general election. It is any one's guess as to what is going on in a candidates mind, but many are starting to wonder what the plan is for the GOP. Just this week McCain has re-organized his team, but seems to still be lacking in a plan of any kind.

I would not criticize McCain on his patriotism, as some have done, but I do question his reasons for spending time in South American discussing trade agreements just four months from a general election, during the July 4th holiday, no less. Trade is important, essential for our country, but it seems that other topics, (war, food prices, health care) would be much more important for McCain to be exploring at this time. I would also think a couple of well planned "4th of July Picnic" pictures of McCain visiting with the "normal folk" would have been a nice touch to increase likability. Sure he might not have had a child's soccer game to attend this week, but just about every town had something going on yesterday.

When I think about qualities that I would like to see in a president, leadership, organization, and good communication are some that come to mind. These have been missing as of late from the McCain camp. The complete lack of any kind of organization for a general election campaign is a scary start. Any campaign needs a leader who can get things done and we are not seeing that from John. Getting things done starts with good communication.

Sorry John, but this week goes to General Clark, you are a war hero, but it does not mean you will be a heroic president. (I think I said it a little softer than Wesley did, maybe?)

Does America Get a Pinata?

When you are three and live in South Texas, no birthday party is complete without a pinata, so it should have been no surprise when my three year old asked when we got to hit America's pinata yesterday. After explaining that America was not going to have a pinata, but she would have fireworks and sparklers, which seemed to satisfy the toddler curiosity, I tried to explain the birth of a country. I tried to talk about freedom and rights, but it remains to be seen just how much of it make an impact.

I took a few moments yesterday under the beauty of a small town fireworks show to reflect on America and I said a prayer of thanks for the many who made our country what it is. I am so thankful for those men and women who were braver, smarter, and more optimistic than myself who put everything on the line to create a country where people were allowed to say what they wanted to and believe what they wanted to. I am thankful for the men and women who have continued that fight through depressions, wars, and times of segregation so that we could continue to have a wonderful country where we are free to think as we choose.

I pray that God continues to bless America and I pray that Americans remember to thank God for those blessings.