Thursday, March 27, 2008

But Chelsea, I Was Only Trying To Help....

Chelsea Clinton has been active in her mother's campaign for president, spending a great deal of time on college campuses and talking to young people. She has been very careful and thoughtful with her words and has thus far been able to stick to the issues and steer away from personal questions. I believe that she has given the American people a new look at her and what she is now, an intelligent, professional, confident woman.

We saw that again the other day, but with just hint of annoyance when she was asked a question dealing with her father's affair with Monica Lewinsky.

A student at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana asked her about the criticism of her mother that how she handled the Lewinsky scandal might be a sign of weakness and that she might not be a strong enough candidate to be the president.

Chelsea's reply, "Wow, you're the first person actually that's ever asked me that question in the , I don't know maybe, 70 college campuses I've now been to, and I do not think that is any of your business."

The answer to me doesn't seem to make since in relation to the question. According to the student, a reporter for the University newspaper, he did not ask the question to cause trouble, but to give Chelsea an opportunity to demonstrate her mother's strength. The student said that he is a Clinton supporter and thought the scandal only showed Hillary's strength.

I understand that Chelsea is not the one running for office and she can refuse to answer any question that she wants to, but I also think that she had to know that at some point this would be brought up. She has always lived in the spotlight, although it was a very well guarded spotlight (one thing the Clinton's did right) and this was a huge event in her father's presidency.

That might have been a question better saved for Hillary, but if she is going to put herself out there, Chelsea will have to face some uncomfortable questions and I'm not totally sure that she gave the best answer that she could have.

1 comment:

Mauri said...

I saw this clip... it was awkward to say the least. I'm with you in thinking it may not have been handled in the best way, and if she's been to over 70 campuses without it coming up, I sense there has been some sensorship in the questions she's been asked. But at the same time, how awkward is it to know that about your own father and be asked about it? Craziness!