Monday, April 7, 2008

Babies Are Not A Punishment Mr. Obama!

A few days ago, the right wing press had a field day, when Barack described an unwanted teen pregnancy as a "punishment", when asked about abortion. He said that he "supports abortion because he would not want his daughters to be punished with a baby. " This completely broke my heart and has left a sick feeling in my stomach. I don't think that I was alone when I was really hoping that he had completely misspoken and would come back with some sort of apology or response, but as the days go on and nothing has been said from him, we are being led to believe that he said exactly what he intended to. Would he really feel that way if it was his grandchild?

Mr. Obama, as a father you should know that babies are not a punishment, whether born to a teenage mother or to a married couple wanting a child. Baby's are a blessing. End of story. While teen pregnancy and parenthood is not a good thing or something to be glorified, the baby, the innocent victim, is not a punishment. While I wish things in our society were different, never should we believe that a child, a new life, could in anyway, be someones punishment.

There are thousands of good homes for these "punishments" if teenagers would make responsible choices and place unplanned babies into the arms of parents who are aching for a child, but unable to have their own. There, punishment gone, no baby had to die.

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