Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Clinton Camp Lives To See Another Day

By now you have heard that Hillary did pull out a victory yesterday in Pennsylvania and she has declared that she is the candidate to beat. So the race continues on with the next meeting May 6 in North Carolina and Indiana. Obama is favored to win in both those states and Hillary is already asking for a debate within the next two weeks.

I think that there has been plenty of debating and the last couple have just turned into mud slinging. Lets get on with the show. Obama is still leading leading the delegate count as he gained 70 delegates yesterday. Hillary's winning margin was only 10% so she only picked up about 80, still putting Obama a head by just over 100 delegates.

I can see Hillary's position, how the two are so close and how she truly believes that she will make the best president, but I also can see how frustrating it is to democratic leaders. The are getting restless for this to end so that they can put forth a focused attack on John McCain.

Changing the subject slightly, I had a great comment from a new reader on my last post, challenging the candidates to balance a budget.

Ok, so your last challenge to the candidates regarding the $41,000 budget is already answered. Look at they say Obama's campaign has been run fiscally in comparison to Hillary's. It's night and day. Obama gets small donations and taps the well over and over again. I heard he has $41 million in cash right now! That's amazing discipline, management, and strategy that puts him such a better footing than ANY candidate. Hillary, like you said, is in the big time red. Obama should point to that mismanagement of funds and poor strategy. I think how the candidates serve as the Executive of their campaigns gives a big indication of how they would serve as an Executive of the Government

I thought this was an excellent comment and it makes perfect sense. Hillary started with a huge amount of money and her campaign is, according to reports, about $10 million in debt right now. Obama on the other hand, got thousands and thousands of small donations, $25, $50, probably even smaller than that. He has obviously management his money much better, because as was commented, he is running with about $41 million in cash right now. Although Hillary has advertised that she has pulled about $3 million in donations after last night, that is just a drop in the bucket toward her debt and toward what she will need to compete in the next couple of weeks. Who do you want handling your money? I think this example makes it perfectly clear. Thanks for the comment!

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