Monday, April 28, 2008

With Friends Like That......

Well, Rev. Wright is back in full force. The controversial former Pastor of Barack Obama had all but disappeared from the lime light due to security problems, but was back at the pulpit Sunday preaching to a Dallas congregation.

The media has sent shock waves by showing a clip from Rev. Wright's sermon, where he is making fun of democratic hero, John F. Kennedy. Probably not the best news for Barack Obama who has been compared to Kennedy and is highly thought of and supported by many members of the Kennedy family. Wright was mocking Kennedy's strong New England accent specifically the way he said the word "ask" in his famous quote, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." Not to stoop to Rev. Wright's level, but if anybody should make fun of the way someone says the word "ask", it should not be an African American. Let me "ax" you a question Rev. Wright.

I think that I have figured out just why Rev. Wright continues to be a thorn at the side of the Obama campaign. If Barack is elected President, it completely negates everything that Rev. Wright has been trying to preach. Having an African American president would be a huge disservice to Rev. Wright's "ministry" that portrays the black man as the mistreated, forgotten stepchild in the United States. If the country elects an African American to the position of Commander in Chief, the highest elected official in the country, it probably means that the majority of Americans don't have deep rooted resentment of the race and is probably a good indication that race relations are not as bad as Rev. Wright would have us believe.

I know that there are still very active KKK groups as well as Black Panther groups, but those groups are a dying breed and the general population has no need for any of that nonsense. Those groups are loud, but very much the minority, and they have little influence or leverage as to what actually goes on in the country.

Go away Rev. Wright. We have all had enough of you, well with the exception of the Clinton's and McCain's. You are helping them, but you are making everyone else sick!


Jackie said...

I am one of the people who are thanking God that people like rev. wright are popping up. There is too much about Obama's beliefs that scare the hair off my skin should he become president.

Of course, that could be said about the other two as well.

How does one quell the overwheliming sense of impending doom?

J-Wild said...

You beat me to it! This was the post I was going to write this morning (still going to write it thought). I think your analysis is spot on. Unlike Jackie this makes me want to see Obama get elected even more, so that we can break with these characters who have determined the grounds of our religious, racial, and social debates for far too long.

J-Wild said...

Wanted you to know that I linked to you in my post. Don't worry the Christian Chronicle I am not :)