Thursday, April 17, 2008

Now, What Can We Learn From This.......

I think that I am finally calming down from my panic attack yesterday caused by my name showing up in the same article as Royce Money, but without my knowledge or consent. I guess I owe a thank you to all of the people who let me know, whether your comments were well intended or not. I am one of those people who believe that everything happens for a reason. I don't believe in random acts. There have been too many times in my life where I can look back and see how a group of seemingly unrelated events came together to make my life better in some way or to help me learn something. That said, I am not someone who just waits around to see what the purpose will be. I go out looking for it. So in my thinking over the past 24 hours, here's what I have come up with.

  1. Everything on the Internet is public. DUH! I knew that, but I have never posted kinky photos (I can hear a collective sigh of relief) and I have never written anything that was inappropriate or against what I believe and would stand up for. I also would never have believed that me, a stay at home mom (with a Master's Degree!!) from a small, south Texas town, would ever even show up in a Google search.
  2. I actually have developed some empathy for Hillary. NO! I have realized first hand just how easy it is for people to take a quote or a tiny piece of information and it can take on a whole new life. I think I knew this and that is why I (kind of) defended Barack on the whole Pastor Wright stuff. Now, granted, they decided to run for public office and the stars decide to be in the public eye. Although I made no such decision, I guess putting my thoughts on an online forum puts me out there. (Especially when I deal with current events and politics.)

So, I've learned a couple of things, I will move on. I do appreciate the comments attached to the last post and the few people who thanked me for what I said. I'll go back to talking about current events and people I don't know. It seems to be safer that way.

1 comment:

Pete Houpt said...

I can understand you wanting to stay with current events but away from ones like these past few days. I just wonder about the ones that will follow in the years to come that you have given a voice to (even though they don't know or or want it right now). As you said, we didn't want rules like this when we were that age but looking back they helped save us from much heart ache.

Also, many of your repliers on the blog site mentioned that drinking isn't a sin, and that the Bible never talks about not drinking but to not be drunk. While this is a very true statement we must also consider that both Peter and Paul tell us not to be of the world. Both argue that we are to be strangers and aliens, walking with the lost but not partaking or that which the lost does. Now, if I were raised in Ireland or Scotland where drinking is not forbidden at any age then yes I would think that drinking would be ok as it is simply a part of society. But here in America it isn't quite like that. The ministers daughter (I think it was) commented that you said we should be shaped by society but that you were being shaped by the churches society. I wonder which society God is wanting to be apart of?

I personally think that you shoud keep your voice out there and loud. I encourage you to stand for what you believe. It is fine if people disagree that is there right. And we are calling to teach and speak the truth and let the Spirit deal with them not us. There are a good deal of pastors who believe it is there job to force people to follow Christ. All we can do is preach the truth and let God take over from there.

What if one day Morgan wants to attend ACU? I have had a couple of friends attend ACU and they went there because of the stance that it took several years back and if those who see wrong and don't speak up then all society will suffer. What if ACU became just like every other college out there? If you want to drink and all the other things that are changing why not attend a college that is like that? Why should institutions like ACU change for them? I stand behind you!!!