Saturday, April 5, 2008

Have I Been Too Ugly? Here Comes The Guilt.....

I am sorry if I have been to hard on the McCain's. They are probably very nice. As with all of our past and present military, I am thankful that John and his sons were and are willing to serve. I know that the organizations that Cindy supports are great and do great work. She has to be a "Super-Woman" to do all that she does, run her business, and take care of her family.

I just think that things that go on in people's lives and decisions they have made tell a lot about who they are and what they really think deep down. Even in college, when I was not making the best decisions of my life, I would never have dated a married man (he was legally married until a month before he married Cindy). I would not have stolen from my charity to support my addiction to pain medication.

I have made questionable decisions in my youth (I am still in my youth, although my decisions are much better) and but all of my decisions tell who I was and to an extent who I still am. Do I regret some of those, yes, as I'm sure the McCain's do too.

I am not attempting to have a gossip blog (there are plenty of those), only to let you know some of the things about the candidates that make an impression on me.

Okay - a little of the guilt of trashing the McCain's is gone! On to the Obama's!

1 comment:

Darla said...

The true measure of a person is not in the things they have done but rather in the things they have overcome.