Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cindy Hensley McCain: The Young, Beautiful Trophy Wife

(Although, the "trophy" must be getting kind of dusty, because he has kept her around for 28 years)

Cindy Hensley met John McCain at a military reception in Honolulu in 1979 (side note remember when McCain's divorce from his first wife was finalized? I'll tell you later). According to him, he fell in love that night and they were married on May 17, 1980 (Divorced finalized April 1980) in Phoenix where they still live today. The couple has four children: Meghan, born in 1984, a journalist, John IV who was born in 1986 who is an officer in the Navy, James, born in 1988, a marine, and Bridget born in 1991, who was adopted from Bangladesh.

Cindy lists her occupation as "educator, philanthropist, and Chairman of Hensley & Company (her family's business). She went to college at the University of Southern California where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Education and a Master's degree in Special Education. She taught special education for many years at Agua Fria HS in Arizona.

Cindy founded and ran the American Voluntary Medical Team, a non-profit organization that provides emergency medical and surgical treatment to impoverished children around the world until its was dissolved in 1995 after Cindy admitted to being addicted to Percocet and Vicodin that she took from the organization. Her husband says that was one of her greatest struggles first to rid herself of the addiction and later to admit her mistake. How kind of him.

Currently Cindy is the Chairman of Hensley and Company, which is one of the largest Anheusier Busch distributors in the nation. This is her family company and reports last week said that she is worth about $100 million dollars as head of the company. (Just a side note, in that same article, it said that she and John McCain have a very detailed pre-numptual agreement that secures all of her money. Smart move to her dad or who ever thought of this when she married John McCain. The odds were not in her favor..)

She also serves on the board of several organizations including HALO Trust, a non-profit dedicated to land mine removal and weapons destruction in war torn countries (I bet John helps her with this one, especially if he can be around the weapons before they are destroyed - "Guns, I like guns"), Operation Smile, a non profit that repairs cleft lips, cleft pallets, and other facial deformities of children around the world, and CARE, USA, which fights against global poverty of women.

In 2004, Cindy suffered a stroke, but was able to recover fully. (Guess she is lucky John stuck around)

Currently, she is staying active on the campaign trail with her husband.

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