Friday, April 4, 2008

"There is no such thing as a pledged delegate...."

That quote is from our lady of the hour, Hillary Clinton. It is a far cry from earlier when she was raving about how many pledged delegates she had. Now we see, when the race is closing in and it seems that all the super delegates are jumping on the Obama train, that her tune has changed.

It is true that a super delegate can change his or her alliance at anytime until the National Convention, but for those who have made a public declaration, it would be unlikely.

You have to give it to Hillary though, she is not a quitter. Current popular vote delegate count shows Obama with a 134 delegate lead or about 740,000 votes. He raised $40 million dollars in March which is almost double what Hillary raised and he is outspending her on TV ads 5 to 1 in Pennsylvania. Is the Clinton balloon loosing air?

Hillary is still holding on to her "non-pledged" super delegate lead of 250 to 219. There are however 255 uncommitted delegates (although according to Hillary, they are all uncommitted). Recently some "uncommitted" Hillary supporter super delegates, most notable governor of Pennsylvania, have said that they would be very unlikely to vote for the candidate who did not receive the popular vote during the primaries.

Hillary, bless her heart, is hanging on like a trooper. As I struggled to stay awake and listen to her on Jay Leno last night, she seems to be loosing her edge. Although she walked out on stage to the music from "Rocky" we will see if she can hold on and be the "come back kid".

1 comment:

Pete Houpt said...

Just a quick question, I had a minister friend of mine send me a video from youtube showing that Oprah doesn't believe in God and that she is back Obama. I believe that we have to vote with both political and religious motives, but I often wonder what Obama really believes. He made a comment that he has wanted to be president since he was 3, so is that why he became a Christian? For political reasons? Or is there a true conversion experience behind him? I know that these are unanswerable questions but I wonder about them all the time.

What do you think?