Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Will the Kennedy's Continue to Claim Maria?

It is a well known fact that the first lady of California comes from the well known Democratic Kennedy clan (as in JFK and dear old Teddy). It is also known that her husband is one of the more known leaders of the Republician party as the Governor of California. Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall at Thanksgiving? It is going to get more interesting now that Governor Schwarzenegger has now expressed that he is supporting John McCain for president. This comes just on the hills of the Kennedy family declaring support for Barack Obama. And the web gets more tangled........ Governor Schwarzenegger is not having a lot of luck lately. His heath care bill is all but in the trash and the checkbook of California is completely overdrawn. He still has his looks, but most importantly (to John McCain anyway) he has his popularity.

The media, including Hollywood, could never be accused of being conserative. Very much on the liberal side, there is no question that the media has a great deal of input when it comes to elections. So much so that I am asking myself if the media is trying to get John McCain nominated? Just hear me out. A few months ago, little was know (and few cared) about John McCain, especially among Republicians. He is, what I would consider to be, on the far liberal side of republician issues and values. He could be easily beaten however by either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Mitt Romney on the other hand, might just give the democrats a run for their money. Romney does have the consertive values and brings out the "traditional" republician ways. Many traditional republicians would have a much easier time voting for Romney rather than McCain. Another plus on Romney's side is the fact that he has pretty much an endless supply of cash, McCain on the other hand is running kind of thin and can use all of the support he can get. So if the liberal media can get rid of Mitt Romney, they know that either Hillary or Barack will be in the White House, thus maintaining liberal America. Crazy? I don't know......

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