Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Please, Just Tell Me The Truth

I can take any statement out of context and make it say anything I want it to say. The 2008 presidential candidates seem to have made a science out of twisting the truth and turning statements into something totally different than they were intended. I was looking for something else today on line when I stumbled upon a wed site that strives to separate the facts from the fiction : . You can look at some of the statements that some of the candidates have made and find out what the truth is behind them. It was really interesting to read some of the stuff that was listed and just how far some have taken statements to serve their purpose. I was however slightly disappointed (although not surprised) to find out that they are all guilty of stretching the truth to get ahead.

Hillary and Barack have both asked voters the question, "Don't you want a president you can trust? Don't you want someone who will not manipulate the truth or change their stance?"

Yeah, I do. Do we have any Independent candidates yet, because none of the current ones fit the bill.

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