Thursday, January 3, 2008

And the race is on.....

Well, it is the official start to the election year! The Iowa Caucus are when everyone can start getting excited about the next presidential election. Oh, wait a minute, all of the campaigning, mud slinging, and promise of change started at least a year ago and that is being conservative. When the results come in we can start narrowing down the field and really decide who will be the next president or as we have said in our house - who out of the choices will do the least amount of damage to our country. I think that it is really sad, that out of all the billions of people in the United States these are the best that we can come up with to run for president. Yes, some are better than others, but where are the really great people who will lead our country? I have been waiting all year for someone to come out of the woodwork and declare their candidacy, but no one did. I did a spread sheet for some of my friends recently that just listed all the candidates and their views on the very basic issues of this years race. I wanted so badly to put in some of the dirt, some of the good stuff that has swayed me to and from each of the candidates, but I wanted it to be just very "non partisan" and just the facts. But that is where the blog comes in...a chance for me to share the way I feel and the "dirt" that I have read about the candidates. I can think of good and bad for each candidate, and some I can think of really ugly. So here it goes, the good, bad, and ugly on the '08 presidential candidates according to me!

Hillary Clinton: The Good: She knows how to get things done, she has the Washington experience, she will fight for what she wants and I have no doubt she will get what she wants if given the chance. Plus, she has already had 8 years in the White House as "President", most people with that experience would get as far away as possible, but she is back. The Bad: No fireside chats. Maybe a couple weeks at charm school could help the cold, dry personality. She has also lived the Washington experience, possibly forgetting the struggle of the "common American" which many believe is desperately needed in the government. The Ugly: People who have gotten in her way have been taken care of - some of them permanently. I'm not saying that she did anything, I am just saying she has plenty of people who take care of her. I certainly would not want to be on her bad side.

John Edwards: The Good: Has the presidential look? The Bad: I can't see him getting much done. He was a great attorney - won a lot of money, but running the country is a different book. You can't pick and choose the things that you can win, like the cases he is famous for. The Ugly: Encourages people to be environmentally and fiscally responsible yet lives in a 26000 sq ft home -yes that is twenty six thousand, hate to see the energy used to heat that sucker! Look at my Carbon Footprint guys!!! He also pays $400 for haircuts. I don't have a problem with people having money; I don't have a problem with people spending money, I do believe that the leader of the United States should have a good track record of moral/fiscal responsibility. His hair cut is almost my mortgage payment, not the most fiscally responsible thing to do.

Rudy Giuliani: The Good: Reduced taxes in New York by billions; could do the same for the country. The Bad: Wants tax payers to foot the bill for abortions for the poor. I can list about a million things that I would rather my tax dollars fund. Funding abortions is just above Ted Kennedy's next raise. The Ugly: Lived with mistress while wife lived in NY governors mansion. He is running on the moral ticket right......? His own daughter has put her support on Brack Obama. I believe that he used 9-11 for his own political benefit. He was in the right place at the right time to get the glory and credit for being the "hero".

Mike Huckabee: The Good: Takes a moral stance on the issues, the "guy next door" image. The Bad: Doesn't seem to really grasp the seriousness of the issues, especially health care, believing that proper diet and exercise for everyone would solve the country's health care crisis. The Ugly: The Baptist preacher has been a little shady during some of his interviews and on his ads. He claims the innocent card, but when something nasty or suspicious is said about another candidate it is out in the open and cannot be taken back. This can be a very good strategy, much like that of a trial lawyer saying something and letting it be "stricken from the record". The statement is still out there, the jury still heard it - that was the point. Plus do we really need someone else from Arkansas or can we even stomach someone else from Arkansas? Side note, he too was born in Hope, birthplace of Bill Clinton.

John McCain: The Good: Decorated war hero and POW survivor - knows what it is truly like to fight for his country. The Bad: Has voted against tax cuts. The Ugly: After returning home from Vietnam to a wife who stood faithful all the years he was held and who was recovering from a serious car accident, he begins dating and living with another woman, whom he later married. This shows me anyway, a lack of integrity. I can have very little if any respect for a man (or a woman) who is not faithful to their spouse.

Barack Obama: The Good: Lots of young energy; does not deny youthful indiscretions, but admits when he has been wrong. Seems to be one of the more moderate of the liberals. The Bad: Not a lot of international experience. The Ugly: I need readers help on this one. The guy hasn't done anything completely and horrifically out of line, then again he is about 20 years younger than the rest of the candidates - they have had more time to screw up.

Bill Richardson: Who is Bill Richardson????

Mitt Romney: The Good: He stands on the moral side of the issues. Did some great things for Heath Care in Massachusetts. The Bad: Seems to have flip-flopped on some of the issues when it served him to do so. His voting record however defends his statements as of now. The Ugly: The Mormon card - Although, I do not believe that his being Mormon makes a difference on how he runs the country. I don't know if everyone could get over that to support him and give him a chance as president.

Fred Thompson: The Good: Says what means and means what he says - no tip toeing around the words here. The Bad: A little energy and excitement please? I get tired every time I hear him talk. The Ugly: I played a president on TV and it was fun - Maybe I could do it in real life. I liked him on TV, he played many roles well, could this be just another acting gig?

What is going to happen tonight? Historically, results from Iowa are a good indicator of how the rest of the country will vote. I still think that it is any one's game at this point. Is anyone above the right one for president? I don't really think so. My vote this year is going to have to be with the one whom I believe will do the least damage to the country and I am really honestly not sure who that is yet. Good thing I have until March.

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