Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Who Is My Perfect Match?

It is really hard to determine who to vote for. I really believe that everyone should study the issues and determine who is running that would be the best fit for the country. It is not necessarily who we like the best, who has the best hair (that would be John Edwards, hands down), or who has the hottest bod (Fred Thompson anyone?). My friend Tammy emailed me this link. It is a quiz that matches your beliefs about 11 of the most current topics with the candidate who is most like you and then rates all the candidates from most to least in common with you. When I did the quiz, the top two who share my beliefs are not necessarily who I think will make the best president, that person was near the bottom of the list. It is pretty interesting and once you take the quiz there are links to all the candidates web pages and stuff like that. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Amy said...

Neat site, Kim, but no help in making my decision! 3 candidates had exactly the same score - 44, and another, 46. The top guy I've never heard of! I guess it's back to the Taro cards!