Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Time for War

In Ecclesiastes 3 we learn that "there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." More specifically in Ecclesiastes 3:8, we learn that there is "a time for war and a time for peace." I'm am a really simple person - God said it, I believe it and that is that. I don't need the history channel to tell me that there is scientific proof of the Great Flood, I don't need to see the ark, I just believe, Faith is what that is called. So when God said that there would be a time for war, I believe it. I am not "pro war" or excited about the prospect of war, I simply believe that war is something that is part of time and until the end of time there will be periods of history where there is war. Do I wish for "peace on earth?" Of course, but I don't believe that is a reality.

A big part of the campaign has been what the candidates believe about the war in Iraq. Hillary has told us that every soldier would be home within her first 60 days in the White House. Most of the other democrat candidates had said within their first year in office, the troops would be home. They cannot believe that this can be a reality. For five years, our soldiers have worked tirelessly to help the Iraqi people gain freedom. They have helped make the world a safer place by removing some of those in power including Saddam Hussein and some of Osama Bin Ladin's top officials. I think it says a lot for Homeland Security that we have not had another attack on US soil since '01. Nobody can believe that if we remove all of our troops right now, that Iraq would remain in the state that it is in and that the US would remain a safer place.

It doesn't matter if we should have gone in to Iraq or not. It doesn't matter if we should have done things differently, we are there and we have to deal with the present circumstances. If we leave Iraq now, and our successes there are reversed, all of the work our troops have done, would have been in vain. Many people forget that during World War II, we held a US presence in Germany for 10 years after the war, to ensure that it was secure. If we intend to ensure Iraq's security, we will need to be there for longer than another year. I know the past five years have been hard on our military. They are pulled to the limit. That is one problem with a 100% voluntary military. Other countries have mandatory military service for everyone once they reach a certain age. I don't know if this is a good or bad idea, but it solves several problems. One, there would be a constant refreshment of young, healthy troops to relieve some of the stress of the current military and two I believe mandatory service for ones country gives everyone a different attitude about service, pride, and entitlement.

American has become so diluted with individualism and with people who have no idea what it is to sacrifice. We have all forgotten what it was like during WWII when regular American citizens gave up so much for the war effort. People could not have everything they wanted when they wanted it, items such as meat, eggs, and sugar were rationed so there would be enough for the troops. Today, we just spend more money, increasing our national debt to a point where it is a joke. I cannot name one thing that I have personally given up for the "Iraqi war effort." During WWII, every American believed that they played a part and that led to a surge in American pride, people were proud to be Americans and were even more proud of the men serving the country. I see bits of pride here and there, but as a whole, Americans have continued on with their lives, doing whatever they want, whenever they want, not giving much thought to those serving.

I am thankful that unlike those who returned from Vietnam in the 60's and 70's, our troops today are welcomed home, but they deserve more. Can you imagine the outrage in society if we were asked to ration gasoline to help fund the war? Or what about cloth or products made out of metal? What if we would have to be without electricity for 2 hours a day to help with war funding? There would be rioting in the streets. Would I be willing to give up some of these things, it would be hard, but imagine what good it would do. I am glad that society as a whole supports the troops and the military, but we can do so much more.


Pete Houpt said...

I have always felt the same way. I do fell that we must support our troops over there!!! I have a few family members that are over there right now and they say that we really do need to assist in helping Iraq set up a system so they can maintain, and that what we see on the news isn't what is going on over there at all. You are sooooooo right in that if we pull out in even the first year all that we have fought for will be for not according to those over there. My opinion is that who cares why we were first over there but we are there now and we must finish the job. We went with a purpose in mind and we haven't fulfilled that purpose as of yet. We must stay the course.

Those who are arguing for withdrawal now were some of the loudest yelling after 9/11. You can't have it both ways.

Great post!!!!!

Jaci said...

AMEN!!!! good blog!!!