Wednesday, January 9, 2008

President Who?

President Clinton, President Obama, President Edwards, President Romney, President Hucklebee, President Thompson, President McCain......One often overlooked way to determine who to vote for in the election - put every one's last name behind "President" and see which one sounds the best. A very simple tactic, used in by junior high girls to determine who they should marry (who's last name sounds best with my first name), it seems to be as good as any in this years election. So far voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, have given no clear clue as to who will hold that title after next November. Hillary, made a comeback (just like her husband did in New Hampshire, we are constantly reminded in the press), but not a landslide as she would have hoped. It could be Obama's turn next, as he seems to be the poor Chihuahua underdog, beaten up by the pit bull Clinton campaign. Many were moved by Hillary's strategic use of tears the other day, but few, very few have been moved by John Edwards, plight of the middle class campaign that seems to have attempted to jump on Obama's coat tails to use some of his excitement and momentum for his own benefit. Could it be in the back of Edwards' mind that he is not going to be president, but maybe if he can get Obama to notice him, he might stand a chance as vice president?

The Republicans had their own "fruit basket turnover" with John McCain coming out of nowhere to claim victory in New Hampshire. Mitt Romney was a close second and Pastor Hucklebee third. Does a war hero make a good president? We have had a few, but I don't think that having been a POW is a clincher on the resume. I am really big on the personally lives of people who want to lead our country, believing that how a person behaves and acts in their personal lives directly effects how they will act and decisions that they will make in leadership positions. After being released (McCain was held in a POW camp for 5 years during the Vietnam War), instead of returning to his wife and children, he met and started dating another woman whom he later married. I don't intend for this to be full of "juicy gossip", but things like this make a difference to me and the choices I will make at the polls.

Any predictions for the Michigan primaries next Tuesday?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey, Kim! Welcome to blogging! Usually, I don't start thinking about it this early, but over the holidays, Dana and I started listening to Mike Huckabee - I like his common sense and his quick wit. Hope to learn more about him before our Primary.