Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And Another One's Down, Another One's Down, Another One Bites the Dust....

This is our goodbye blog dedicated to Rudy and John, who after loosing again and again have decided to step aside and let the big boys (or girl) continue to fight it out. I have to ask - Rudy, what happened to Florida? John, what about the poor and homeless, what will they do without you? The biggest question has already been answered by Rudy, who has selflessly thrown his support to John McCain, but we are on pins and needles waiting to see who will gain John Edwards supporters. Both Obama and Clinton tried to distance themselves from him earlier, but both are starting to court him with comments about how hard he fights for the poor and what a good race he ran. Since the race is so close, either would gain an advantage by gaining the support of Edward's followers. And talking about close race - there were only 5% points between John McCain and Mitt Romney in Florida. Now both parties will start gearing up for Super Tuesday where there will be elections in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah.

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