Saturday, February 2, 2008

Will Super Tuesday Hold The Answers?

Tuesday promises to be an eventful day with 1681 democratic delegates and 1023 republician delegates up for grab when 21 states head to the polls. Current delegate holdings are as follows:

Clinton 256 delegates
Obama 181 delegates

McCain 93 delegates
Romney 59 delegates
Huckabee 40 delegates

The democratic canidates need 2025 delegates to win and the republicians need 1191. The official winners will be decided during the 2008 national conventions. The republicians will hold their convention September 1-4 in St.Paul Minnesota while the democrats hold their's a few days earlier on August 25-28 in Denver, Colorado. There is no clear winner yet but many predict that there will be after "Super Tuesday." With as many twists and turns that this campaign has taken, I would not be so sure that we could count on Tuesday's numbers. Primaries take place through the end of May and you know what they say about the fat lady singing. There should be plenty more exciting months ahead.

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