Saturday, January 12, 2008

Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest.........

In the children's movie, Beauty and the Beast, all of the house hold items sing a little song when Belle first enters the Beast's castle. The first line of the song goes something like this, "Be our guest, be our guest, put our service to the test......" It is funny that this song comes to mind when I think about the immigration issues the US is currently having. I can just picture Americans standing along the border, arm in arm, with the president right in the middle, singing this very song. Come on over, use our schools, our hospitals, drive on our roads, live in our cities, work, don't pay taxes, don't get proper documentation, don't obey the laws, just be our guests. That is the very image that we seem to be showing to all illegal aliens. If we were not, they would not be coming over by the truck load (literally).

Everyone seems to have a new policy, but the problem is not the policy, it is the enforcement. I applaud the Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies, because I know that they are working hard to keep the borders and the border states safe. They are, however a small team, too small and to underfunded to properly keep out all illegal immigrants. We can make new laws, build a fence, and do countless other things, but until we enforce the laws, we will get nowhere.

I am not against LEGAL immigration. I believe that this country is what it is today because of all the different cultures and ideas that have literally come from all over the world. I know that American can offer many things to people from all over the world. There are many people who's dreams can only be realized here. They are welcome, if they go through the proper process to become citizens. There are ways for people to apply for citizenship. There is a lot of paperwork involved and it can take years, but isn't that worth it? Apparently not, when you can just cross the border, work, rent apartments, send your kids to school, have more babies in hospitals, and not have to go through any of the "legal mambo-jumbo."

A common thing seen primarily in border states is to have women in labor, come across the border, go directly to the hospital and have the baby on American soil. That makes the baby an American. Their thinking is that we would not send the parents back because of the child. Maybe we should. The parents could have the option of taking the child or leaving him or her. Cruel? Maybe it would stop this. No where else in the world can you just move to another country and set up housekeeping without going through the proper channels. We have to step up and start enforcing this in American. We are so concerned with hurting feelings, we are being walked all over. What about their rights, liberals cry? What rights, if you are illegal, I didn't know you qualified for rights.

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