Thursday, January 3, 2008

Welcome to my world

Let me start by saying that this is not going to be a sweet blog with news about my family or funny stories (although I have a wonderful family and plenty of cute stories), but more a forum to share my thoughts and opinions about things in the world. I am using this primarily to get a chance to discuss current events and welcome anyone to discuss or debate the issues. I don't know if anyone will read this (except for my dad!!), but at the very least it will allow me to keep my mind and my writing skills active and I will think I have a voice in the world. With the election year in full swing, I doubt I will be lacking for topics to write about, but we will see how things go. Who am I? I am proud to be a wife and mother - that is the greatest job I have ever or will ever have - but there is much more to me than most people are aware of. I hold a masters degree in human behavior and management and worked in the human resource field for 5 years before becoming "domesticated" and staying home to care for my family. I spent almost 10 years in the field of early childhood education before becoming burnt out and returning to school for my masters in "something else - anything else!" I have always been a non fiction sort of person, liking true stories much more that fiction. I have always liked the story behind the seen - the stories of the people involved. For example, since about the 6th or 7th grade, I have been interested in military history, especially the stories of women's history in the services (No - I am not a raging "Femi-Nazi"), but I am interested in the stories behind the wars, the people involved, who they are, what are their lives like. I skip over the parts in the books that describe battles and war strategies, but devour the stories of the families of the soldiers and the lives that they live. I have a great deal of interest in current events and have strong ideas and opinions about them. I consider myself a moderate conservative, as most of my values fall on that side of the fence, but I do hold some ideas that could be considered by some on the ultra conservative - Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh - side of things. I am well read and keep up with the events of the world. I am a christian and that dictates a lot of my values and how I feel about different issues. If you are not bored by now, keep reading my posts and lets start a discussion about the events.

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