Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sorry To Keep You Waiting.....

I know that most of you have been on pins and needles awaiting my post of Hillary v. Barack views. I have finished looking at all the stuff and will be posting my findings tomorrow. Except for a few minor details they both have pretty much the same views, but I have found that Hillary Clinton's are more organized, more detailed, and really defend her "more experience" statements. I am still however pulled toward Obama's ability to join people together and make people feel like they can make a difference in their country. To be honest, I like them as a team. I think that Hillary's maturity and knowledge mixed with Obama's charisma and energy could be a dynamitic force to change our country for the better. I am going to post their views on Education, Health Care, Internation Affairs, and Immigration. Those are my main concerns, but if you are concerned about something else, leave me a comment.

On another note, I had a comment left yesterday expressing distain for the democratic party and stating a refusal to associate himself with them. I understand, I have stated many times that I have never voted democratic and really thought that I never would. My feelings however are moving beyond a party affliciation and looking at the whole picture. As a past "straight republician ticket voter" and huge supporter of the party (I have a republician elephant charm on my charm braclet), I am looking at the past 8 years and feeling kind of sick believing that my vote as a republician 4 years ago, might have contributed to the state of our nation today. In 8 years of republician leadership, our economy is crumbling, our heath care system is in ruin, men and women are coming back from war and meeting challenges trying to get even the basic benefits that were promised to them, we are 5 years into a war with not even a hint of a plan for its future, the US has been attacked on its own soil, we have realized that we do not have the ability to provide even basic assistance to disaster areas (Katria), the social security system is about to run out of money, and we have a swinging door on the border. I don't believe that our country is much more secure from terriost threats than it was on September 10, 2001 and our school system is much worse off than before Bush's renowned (scarcasm) No Child Left Behind plan. I find myself hoping that there will be a drastic change next year and I believe that a repbulician will not bring forth that change.

Yes, I am anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, and pro the death penality and hold conservative views on a lot of other issues, but terroists and rising health care costs are more frightening to me than two gay men wanting to marry. I am now thinking about the future of my family and John McCain is not going to cut it for my family for the next four years.

1 comment:

Robert said...

There are, the last time I looked three branches to the federal government. The Executive Branch which is what everyone is talking about is being pulled into realms that never were a part of that branches duty. The legislative branch is the branch that has the responsibilities for ensuring Domestic Tranquility and the only way for that to happen is for them to get out of the way of the entrepreneur and their ability to move the economy forward.

The president sets out broad goals and it is the responsibility of the congress to work together to achieve those goals and maybe even come up with a few of their own. No child left behind was the brain-child of one President Bush and a reach across the isle to Ted Kennedy. Want to blame someone for it failing blame the congress for failing to see it thru, they had the responsibility for funding it.

The president is also in charge of not only the military as commander in chief but also foreign policy to which he has done a fine job along with his very capable and diverse staff. We were hit on 911 but what led up to that attack, 8 years of the man whose wife people want to put back in there and he will be there also. His failed leadership of riding the Reagan economic wave and prayerfully the american people electing a Republican lead congress saved the economy for a while. But then the democrats took over and look at what Bush inheritted, remember the recession right before 911? Remember the investigations into the Clinton Administration for cooking the books and how it stopped because of 911? And we want this type of mentallity back in the white house? Not me!

I don't have a horse in this race, he dropped out in the name of Fred Thompson. He was my man because of his strict conservative views and belief in turning the country back over to the people. He gave an interview on Meet the Press with Tim Russert and said something that still rings in my ears today. Tim asked him if he would be seeking re-election to the Senate and Fred said no he wouldn't. Tim pressed him and said you are well liked in your state and would easily win re-election. You are a leader in the repubilican party and could very possibly be considered as a presidential candidate. Fred Thompson replied, "Service to ones country should be a pause in an individuals life, not his life!"

You see Fred Thompson was truely the only individual that I saw who was seeking office, not for himself but because of service to his country. And that's what its all about, service to country.

I don't hear that from any of the candidates in the race, it's all about what they will do for you once they are there. Got some news for you, they have been there, in the Senate and have failed to do anything for me except fight with one another. I say throw them all out and start fresh with a bunch of folks who have some common sense. We've had enough lawyers because the country is going down.

Katrina was the failure of a democratically controlled state and local government that failed to use the money given to them in the proper place. They failed to evacuate a town that had been warned of the levee's failing in the face of a cat three huricane and they got hit with a cat five. Ray 'can I get a bus driver' Nagan failed misserably and what did the people of New Orleans do? They re-elected him. He bares the load for that failure, not the federal government. The federal government could only watch as those who were in charge fail to do their job and the common sense factor never kicked in. Why? Because we created that society, totally dependent on others for everything.

If we put democrats in the white house that is exactly what will happen. A society that is dependent upon the federal government, that's socialism and I don't want it. I want them to get out of my way and out of my pocket so I can achieve.
