Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Don't We Deserve Better?

If you know me, you know that I am one of those people who don't believe in "entitlement" as in we are entitled to something or we deserve something. I believe that people must work hard and earn their way in life. Nothing disturbs me more than able bodied people collecting government money for doing absolutely nothing but cheating the system. That said, I believe that the hard working American people, the one's who are pay the majority of the taxes (that's the middle class), the ones who pay the president's salary deserve better than the choices we have today.

In one week, I will have to go to the polls with a decision made on who I want to lead my country the next four years. I know that it will not be either Republican candidate, nor will I decline to vote in the primaries, waiting to give my mark for Ralph Nader in the fall. I will be voting in the Democratic primary - a first for me - but I am still undecided on what to do.

As I am researching the views of the remaining democratic candidates for my loyal readers (thanks dad and Lindsay - I know that there are others, but those two actually tell me they are reading!), I am realizing that both Hillary and Obama are saying pretty much the same things. They really are unable to debate or criticize each other on the issues, because they agree with each other. That is why things are getting so ugly and why we deserve better.

I was really starting to believe that I would have to eat my words about Hillary bowing out gracefully during last week's debate. She actually sounded genuinely humbled at the fact that she had so many supporters and that she was running against such a great person. I was surprised at her gentle demeanor and actually surprised at the class she showed. Fast forward to the day after an Obama flyer went out basically saying that if Hillary wanted credit for the good things that happened during the Clinton administration, she needed to also understand that she could be held responsible for the negative things. Okay, now the Hillary we all know is back, fangs out ready for a fight. Very soon after telling Obama to "grow up", a picture taken of Obama in Muslim garb, showed up on the web. Wouldn't you know it - Hillary has no idea where it came from. Obama fought back saying that tactics like this were only counting on fear to sway the public vote.

I am very interested in what will happen in tonight's debate from Ohio. We know that the issues will not be debated too much because like I said, both Hillary and Obama agree on most of the issues. This is Hillary's last chance to pull out a must needed win, and I am sure that she will hold nothing back.

Don't we deserve better than a candidate who will stop at nothing to win? Don't we deserve better than an inexperienced candidate who creates excitement and momentum, but has little substance to offer? Unless you are willing to put our nation in the hands of a man who seems to hold his finger on the war trigger at all times, those are our choices. What should we do........?

1 comment:

andrew said...

I cannot ever ... let me say that again ... ever vote in the Democratic primary. I do not want my name attached with anything that even resembles that which is before the country right now. Both of the candidates for the Democratic Party have said all I wnat to hear and it is more than enough. Unfortunately, the choice on the Republican side of the ballot is not much better. I am still not sure who I will vote for. Maybe Alan Keyes.

Why can't this country provide us good candidates, on both sides of the aisle, who are worthy people for office? My main objection for politics is that it is just that. . . it's politics and political. People attack each other personally and will not calmly and rationally discuss those issues that are important to the voters. To run each other down and use empty catch phrases like "voting for change" without substance. It's just a waste of time. But the really sad thing is that the American people are so empty headed and so easily taken in by this nonsense that they may not recognize a good debate or discussion it it 'slapped them up-side the head'.