Monday, February 4, 2008

Wonder What It Is Like In The Schwarzenegger House?

As most of you probably know by now, my morning routine starts by turing on the Today Show to see what happened in the world overnight. I really like that show because instead of either just news or just entertainment news (there is a huge difference) they do a pretty good balance of each in the first half hour or so. I do have my real news hour later in the day with WOAI and Nightly News in the evening, but I start my day with Meredith, Matt, and Al. ANYWAY........this morning I was greeted with four smiling women at an Obama rally over the weekend. Those women included Michelle Obama, Caroline Kennedy, Oprah (what is Oprah's last name???) and Maria Shriver. Yes, the first lady of California has chosen to endorce Barack Obama! This is after her husband, the
Gover-nator, endorced Republician canidate John McCain late last week.

To be a fly on the wall at the California Governor's Mansion (although I have heard that they don't live in the governors mansion, but you know what I mean)! This endorcement is a great boost for Obama as it will probably bring him more of the "powerful" female votes that Hillary has been trying to capture.

I am very blessed to have a spouse who shares most of the same views, political and otherwise, as I do. I know that is not the case in many homes, but we agree for the most part. We both are really interested in politics and government. As you might recall from my first post, I started college as a political science/history major and my husband is hopelessly addicted to XM talk radio. We do talk a lot about politics and current events and hope to instill at least a small interest in those to our daughter. We, or I, don't want to force our ideas on our child, I just want to make sure that she cares about the world around her and that she knows as she grows up that the world is much bigger than the United States. There is nothing that saddens me more than the attitude of so many people who could care less about the world around them. My husband, unlike me, probably will require our child to embrace his views. Our child was born in November 2004 (election year) and my husband, her daddy, wore his "Texan's For Bush" shirt to the delievery. He and my doctor compared conservative views in between contractions and I know he was secretly pleased that one of our daughter's first sights was his shirt.

I think that I get my love for history and current event from my dad who knows more about everything than anyone I know. He loves to read and reads everything he can, newspapers, business magazines, books (we have a really great book exchange going). My dad is a great person to talk to about politics or current events, primarly because you can learn so much from him, but also because even if he doesn't agree with you, he listens to your point and allows you to have your own opinion without trying to change you. My husband and I both talk about how much we learn from him and I own my thirst for knowlege to him (and my mom - but she gave me the crafty, sewing, scrapbooking, cooking side, which my friends and husband are eternally grateful for, not the political interest side!!!) I truly hope to show my daughter how important events outside of her small world are to us.

It is so important for everyone to take at least a small interest in our country and our world. We should know that things that happen in the US effect every corner of the world and our decisions make things happen. That is what makes me so sad when people don't care about what happens in the country or when people choose not to vote. Our future depends on the decisions that we make at the polls. Many, many people will vote tomorrow and will tell the canidates what they think by their vote. It is still anyone's game (except maybe for Mike Huckabee, he has a lot of ground to make up if he wants to have a chance), it will be exciting!

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