Thursday, February 7, 2008

This Seals The Deal For Me

Well, I know for sure now that I will not be voting in the Republican Primary in March. It sounds dramatic (actually this whole post will probably sound dramatic), but I felt like I was punched in the gut a few minutes ago when I read that Mitt Romney has bowed out of the Presidental race, leaving John McCain and Mike Huckabee on the ballet. Mitt Romney, I believe, was the republician's last hope for a conservative candidate for the white house race. I agree with conservative talk show hosts who said that "a vote for Mike Huckabee is a vote for John McCain." Mike Huckabee cannot win the election, it was obvious last week that he could not win the election, so his reluctance to leave the race gracefully, divided the conservative vote, eliminating Mitt Romney's chance to catch John McCain. Huckabee's actions were selfish and have virtually guaranteed a liberal win in November. John McCain's best bet to gain the conservative voters would be to pick up Mike Huckabee as a running mate (which has been predicted in the media), but I believe that the damage has already been done in reguard to the conservative. John McCain, pure and simple is not a conservative candidate. He believes in liberal ideas and has liberal values that will destroy the GOP as we know it. It is a mixed blessing that he cannot win against either Obama or Clinton.

Conservative talk radio host Ann Colter (she is a little to "right winged" for me) said that if McCain is named the republician nominee, she will campaign for Hillary Clinton. I predict more conservative's will follow dividing between Clinton and Obama camps. On his show yesterday, Dave Ramsey made a prediction that is sad but true. He said that if another candidate was added to the ballet, that candidate would win by a landslide. That candidate's name? "Mr. None of the Above." I have said it before, but I don't understand in a country as large as ours, why this is the best we can come up with for president.

I will not vote for either John McCain or Mike Huckabee. I really feel uncomfortable about Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama - here is your chance to win me over - you better spend some of that money in Texas or Mr. None of the Above may get my write in vote.......

1 comment:

Jaci said...

WHAT???? I hadn't heard he got out!!! oh man, he was jarreds choice. (as you can tell i dont do politics. lol)