Thursday, February 14, 2008

I Didn't Major In Math Either, But I Understand These Numbers

Oh, sweet, innocent, Preach Boy Mike, told crowds recently that he "didn't major in math, he majored in miracles." I think what he means is that he doesn't really understand the delegate numbers and that it will take a miracle for him to win (or maybe for him to give up). Well, Mike, I didn't major in math either, but when I was in college learning how to teach children math (Thanks Dr. Williams) we learned how to use manipulatives to help children understand. So here's an activity that might help with the math issue: put 825 M&M's on a plate (for McCain) and 240 M&M's on a plate (for Huckabee) and see who has more M&M's. I know a group of toddlers who would understand if Mike is interested in extra help. To win a GOP nomination, a candidate must have 1191 delegates. There are 795 delegates left in the remaining 18 states who have not had primary elections. 240 (the number of delegates that Huckabee has) added with the remaining 795 delegates only equals 1035 delegates. That (to all you non math majors) is 156 less than the required 1191. That number (1035) is taking into account the miracle factor, that Huckabee will win all remaining 795 delegates. I will throw a question out to my preacher friend Pete - could a "major in miracles" make delegates appear (156 delegates to be exact) where the did not exist before? I know the Lord can do anything, but I'm not sure it is the Lord who is running this election. I am thinking farther south, much warmer, lots of fire........

It is only going to get more embarrassing Mike. Leave with the small amount of dignity that you have left. And hurry, because Romney is expected to endorse McCain later this afternoon. Mitt, you are breaking my heart. Could you be holding out for VP? As if this election could not get any more complex than it already is. I really like you Mitt, but not even an endorcement from you will get a check mark for McCain on March 4 from me. I am going to be stubborn and not "go head and vote for McCain" as I heard conservative republicians are being encouraged to do.

On the other side of evil, the Obama Pheonomenon is still sweeping the nation with three more wins in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC. I think fear is starting to flood the Clinton camp as they prepare for a possible loss. I say possible very strongly, there is no clear cut winner with the democrats. Either Obama or Clinton could pull this out there are 1071 delegates left and Obama is only leading by 43 delegates. He does have a winning streak going and the more losses you have (Hillary), the harder it is to get the ball rolling again. Although a winning streak does not ensure future wins - just ask the SA Spurs or Tom Brady, it does help to rally the troops. Since March 4 is quickly upon us, I am going to do some research and post in the next couple of days, just exactly what Obama and Clinton are supporting along with their action plans. I need the information as much as anybody. My husband is claiming that I am getting excited about the Obama Change Message and that is dulling my willingness to listen to the issues. I say he is spending too much time with Laura Ingram on "America Right" talk radio. So in the next couple of days, we will look at the issues together.

1 comment:

Pete Houpt said...

I could be wrong but the miracle that Mike is talking about are the delegates out there from Romney. no one I know of knows what exactly where they go. Some say that when the convention rolls around that they get released and then they get to revote, others say that whomever Romney endorses is where the votes go. If Mike sweeps (which he won't) added with all of Romney's he might get the nod. But that is probably more of a miracle than the tenth plague.

Kim do you know what happens to the delegates votes of the person who drops out? I can't find anyone who knows.

Also, the reason that Romney has waited for awhile to endorse Mcain is that he was waiting for the fire to die down. At least this is what I have been hearing. Meaning how do you spend 3-6 months bashing someone then drop out of the race and endorse that person the next day. Plus, I have heard more than a few creditable rumors that you are right in that he is seeking Mcains VP push.