Friday, February 22, 2008

Can Hillary Loose Gracefully?

As Barack Obama wrapped up his 11th straight win yesterday with the out of country votes, the buzz has started about a possible loss in the Clinton Camp. To catch up to Barack's momentum, Hillary would have to pull out big, huge wins on March 4. Many, including myself, don't think that she can pull it off.

Here is what I think. The Clinton's are in a dire, desperate, must win situation. If Hillary looses the nomination, this will be possibly the largest upset in political history. It is not just the fact that Barack came from a relatively unknown position, but he, an unknown, came out and defeated the Clinton Machine. I really think that at this point the Clinton's are completely stumped - they really thought that by this time, Hillary would have wrapped up the primaries and it would just be her. No one thought Obama would have such a showing.

From what I have seen both in public and in my life, the person who gets desperate is the one who makes the mistakes. You almost have to feel sorry for Hillary at this point (I said almost). Everything she has tried has come back to bite her. She started off with the experience card and the American public decided that it might be better to have a president who had not spent so much time in Washington, someone with new ways and new ideas. Clinton 0 Obama 1. Then she went on her "words don't me anything..." campaign which Obama responded with some of the most powerful words ever spoken. Clinton 0 Obama 2. The Clinton Camp claimed that Obama's latest speech was copied from other people, accusing him of plagiarism. This however backfired with Obama gaining more support than ever, which led Clinton to claim that it was the press, not her who pushed the story. Clinton 0 Obama 3. It seems that what ever Hillary tries to say to turn people from Obama only pushes them closer to him.

So our question is, can Hillary loose gracefully. My answer is no. Let me make a few predictions. She will not gracefully and professionally send her congratulations to Barack. She will not vow to stand by him to help unite the party. She will instead fight with every breath she has in her to turn it around. She will fight to gain the Florida delegates which were excluded due to the state breaking party rules, she will fight for the Super Delegates, who are expected to vote with the American public. She will pull out everything and lay it on the line. In the end, if she still looses, the Clinton's will be finished in politics. If this were a movie (a comedy), at the end, mental health nurses would drag her away from a stage in a straight jacket screaming something about more experience and what the American people want.

It is going to continue to get interesting......I am not going to miss a thing!

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