Monday, February 11, 2008

Barack Sweeps Past Hill

This weekend was an amazing one for Obama as he won all five states who were holding democratic primaries on Saturday. Most of them, like his last wins held a margin of 10 - 30 percentage points. As if the race could not be any closer, current delegate count is separated by an amazing 28 delegates. Hillary is still holding the lead with 1136 and Obama has 1108.

On the GOP ticket, which saw three primaries this weekend, McCain took one state with Huckabee winning in two. McCain holds a huge delegate lead with 719 to Huckabee's 234. I want to know if it is even possible for Huckabee to win the 1191 delegates needed to advance. I don't know off hand how many delegates are up for grabs in the next few months, but I will let you know.

No question, I'll put my money on McCain being on the ballet next November, but I have not found any source yet that is willing to declare a winner in the democratic camp. The race continues with the next set of states voting on the 19th.

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