Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Jeremiah Is My Pastor, Is A Good Friend of Mine"**

**(as sung to the tune of Jeremiah Was A Bull Frog on the Rush Limbaugh show)

Subtitle: And We Thought Mitt's Religious Convictions were Scary.....

I have been trying to write this post for almost 2 weeks now. To say that I have suffered from "Blogger's Block" would be an understatement. I have written and rewritten many times and I think that I have realized why I couldn't seem to get the words out. I have wanted to write a really negative, hateful post about Jeremiah White (Barack Obama's long time pastor and spiritual advisor), but I just could not get the right words out, but as the week has progressed and we have heard both Hillary and Obama make comments, I can write a much more positive (maybe neutral) spin on things.

There has been a lot of recent negative press around the Obama camp recently due to some of his pastors comments pulled from some of his sermons. The remarks were awful, whether they were pulled out of context or not, they were bad, there is no excuse for some of them. Obama however tried to put them in perspective and it really made sense to me. Obama said recently that we should look at it this way: The man (Jeremiah White) has preached at least 3 sermons a week for over 30 years (that is about 4680 sermons for any of you non math people) and the media has taken the worst of those 30 years and pulled out sound bites making him sound like a monster.

Again, I am not defending White or his words, but there would be very few preachers (with the exception of Pete of course) who could preach 4680 sermons in 30 years without offending someone, especially if their words were taken out of context.

I don't agree with what he has said, I don't agree with him preaching politics from the pulpit (which by the way, is against the law due to separation of church and state), but put this way, it does smooth it out a little bit.

I was also proud of the way that Obama reacted, by speaking out and even condemning Pastor White for certain comments including the comments about the US governments treatment of African Americans. He did not tiptoe around it or just look the other way, but he met it head on and reacted to it.

I can't say however that it does not concern me that this man, who obviously has so much hate and anger focused on white people and the US government, is the spiritual advisor for the man who very well might be the next US president. I believe that this could cause major race issues if Obama is elected and continues to look to Pastor White as an advisor. It is also confusing that Obama has been such a leader in a movement to get people united and to break down race problems and then he still stands with Pastor White.

I believe that Obama may have to come to a decision about this. There might not be a way to have his cake and eat it too with Pastor White.

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