Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cereal Tastes a lot Better Than Words for Breakfast

I am eating my words this morning. I really did not believe that she could do it, but Hillary Clinton stopped Obama's winning streak with wins in Texas and Ohio yesterday ensuring that she will remain in the race and determining that the decision for the democratic candidate will go all the way to the convention.

I, like millions of other Texas cast my vote yesterday. Upon entering the church where my precinct was assigned to vote, I slowly made my way to the democratic table voicing to the women behind the table (fortunately not from my small conservative church) that this was my first time to vote in a democratic primary and signed in. Unfortunately, for the next two years my voter's registration card will proudly proclaim that I did indeed vote in the democratic primary - there is no easy way to deny it. On the ride to the polls I debated once again in my head what box I would be darkening. My name is Kim and I voted for Hillary. There it is out in the open. I am among the millions who voted for Mrs. Clinton. This was not an easy decision. Even as I was filling out my ballot, I was cheering for Barack. I really like someone who can unite the masses and create excitement among the public for a formally unexciting task such as voting. I think that Obama has a gift for bringing people together and for giving people hope. I do think however that Hillary has more experience and will make better decisions for our country. That is why I picked her.

The fight continues on. I think in the next few weeks, Barack will be asked to answer some really tough questions about specific plans and I hope he will do a good job. Hillary has picked up some much needed wins and it is still anyone's game at this point.

On the other side of the coin, John McCain will eat lunch with the president today and is expected to gain Bush's endorsement. McCain has a tough road ahead though, as he must find a way to unite the Republican party and gain confidence among conservative voters. This along will be a full time task.

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