Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rock The Vote

Well, today is the day. If Paris Hilton's comment on MTV, "Voting is HOT!", didn't move you to get off the couch and go to the polls, I don't know what will! As I prepare to make my mark, I have a good idea who will gain my support, but it could still change. My husband has already been there and remarked at how long the line was at the democratic table vs. the cobwebs growing on the Republican one. However, as I have said before, this year breaks beyond party lines and has forced open-minded American's to look hard at the issues and forget their party pulls to vote for someone who will make America better. That better American starts by each person voting today.

It doesn't matter what you think or who you decided to vote for, but it is every Americans duty to vote. We can only live in a true democracy if people take advantage of this right. To not take part in a free society is to turn your back on the men and women who fight and die to ensure that our country stays free. As I watched months back, many Iraqi's stand in lines to vote, knowing that their lives were at risk to do so, I realize how blessed I am to be in a country where I can help choose my leader without risking my life or facing persecution for whom I choose.

The only thing that matters is that each person votes from his or her heart and whom they truly believe will make America better. Everyone is entitled to decide for themselves and no one should be criticized for their decision. So get out there and ROCK THE VOTE!

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