Monday, March 10, 2008

Dream Team Nightmare

The dream team might be a thing of the past before it even starts. The press has been buzzing lately about a dream team democratic ticket (I'm sure they got their idea from me, since I have been talking about this for a long, long time!) with Hillary and Barack as running mates. Hillary actually began talking about this by stating that she would strongly consider Barack Obama as a running mate if she wins the nomination.

To the average citizen that sounds like she thinks highly of Obama and thinks that they would serve well together. To Obama however, it sounded like just another political move. At a rally today, Obama questioned why the second place candidate would offer the first place candidate a VP position. He said that he believed that Hillary was only trying to gain the support of the undecided voters, making them think they would be able to get that "Dream Team Ticket" next November. That makes a lot of sense.

We all know who I voted for, so I will not repeat those words, but if I had believed that voting for Hillary would bring a Clinton-Obama ticket in the fall, I probably would have made my final decision before walking into the polling place. It would have been much easier anyway.

Obama also questioned why she would put him in that position when she doesn't think he is qualified to be president. He pointed out that as VP, he could be called upon at any moment to take over the office. Another good point from the Obama camp. However in Hillary's defense, no president picks their running mate with the assumption that they will die in office. Running mates are chosen primarily because they have something that the Presidential candidate needs to make a complete team and to beat the other party in November. Like I have said before, there is no doubt in my mind that a Hillary-Obama team would be stoppable. What she has, he doesn't and what he has, she doesn't.

I really hope that if Hillary does win the nomination and offers the VP to him, that Barack will accept. I think that the two of them could do a lot of good together. However, if Barack wins the nomination do you think he will ask Hillary to be his running mate? How would that work? I would watch my back, the Clinton's have made people disappear before..........

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