Thursday, March 13, 2008

Uh, Mitt, Could, Uh, Would You Be My Wing Man?

Well, just when you think things can't get any stranger.....I heard through the grapevine a rumor that is spreading through political circles that John McCain's decision is already made and has been made for sometime. That would mean his recent statements about forming a search committee and picking advisers to help him decide who the #2 man in the Republican party will be come November is all a farce. This rumor brings yet another level to a campaign year that has had more twists than any I can remember during my lifetime.

If you haven't guessed by now, it is rumored that John McCain wants Mitt Romney as his running mate. I have very mixed emotions about this. If you are an avid reader of mine (thanks Dad, Lindsay, and Pete - you guys keep me going!), then you know that Romney was my man. I would have gotten the yard sign. That said, I still don't know that I can cast my vote for John McCain - I feel that strongly about him. My first reaction upon hearing this was disbelief and a little disappointment. I just couldn't believe that Mitt Romney would stand beside John McCain. They just don't seem to have the "buddy" factor that you expect to see with running mates. I don't see them holding hands overhead and giving each other victory hugs. I was reminded however that Kennedy and Johnson were not exactly best friends either and they were victorious.

This does answer some questions however about Mitt's sudden and unexpected departure from the primary campaign and his subsequent silence since then. I had high hopes of another Mitt run in 4 years, but if this rumor plays out, we could see him in the White House in 7 months. Mitt could be a good choice for McCain. His economic expertise would be imperative to get the US back on track financially and he has youth on his side when compared to McCain whom some wonder if he could even survive the pressure of the presidency due to his age. He also brings back some of the conservative members of the party who are not McCain fans.

Would the McCain/Romney ticket be enough to fight the democrats? Latest polls show that McCain would have a better chance at beating Hillary than Obama and that could make a difference when the super delegates cast their votes in August. Things seem to be changing daily and I would believe almost anything at this point.

Would the McCain/Romney ticket be enough for me? Wow, just when I was starting to come to terms with myself going to the dark side. I honestly don't know right now. Granted this is only a rumor and we don't yet know who he will run with, but it would shake things up. I am still concerned that McCain does not offer enough change with health care, social security, the war, and home land security to make me comfortable, but with Romney as a team mate, I would feel better about the way the economy was headed.

What am I going to do?????????

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Yeah, it's me. Hard to believe, huh?

First off, I know that Gore wasn't all buddy buddy with Clinton, was he? And by the end of it, Gore was sick about the whole Monica thing.

While I SO understand your reservations about McCain, still (for me), he would be better than Either Hillary or O'Bama. I realize you don't agree with that, but I simply know too much about the democratic twosome because I'm married to Robert! HA!

So the thought of Mit (yes, he was my guy too - bummer!) standing next to McCain . . it sorta gives me a little comfort.