Monday, March 10, 2008

Are You Smarter Than A History Teacher?

We really like the game show hosted by Jeff Foxworthly, Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader. If you are not familiar, adults try to answer questions based on what children who are in the 5th grade and below would know. Ready to assist these adults are a team of 6 5th graders who are right 99.9% of the time. Moral of the show? If you want to know facts about subjects long forgotten, ask a kid. In my case I asked my good friend Heather who teaches kids history.

There has been a lot of debate in the media about Bill Clinton and his eligibility to be the vice president. Everyone had settled on no and then it came back up again as a possibility, but Heather cleared it all up for me the other day (and in an understandable way too!)

A person can serve no more than 10 years as president whether those years are finishing a term for a deceased or removed president or terms of his own or a combination of both. For example, a VP could finish up to two years of a deceased or removed presidents term and then serve two four year terms of his own. If a president was removed or died in the beginning of his term and the VP served over two years, he could only serve for one four year term of his own. President Clinton served two four year terms so he would be unable to serve as VP since he might be called upon to serve more than two more years, putting him over the 10 year limit. Does that make sense? Most would find this a relief although Bill just having access to the living quarters of the White House as "First Husband" makes me a little uneasy. (Yes to anyone who is interested, since George Bush Sr. only served one term as President, he could serve with McCain.........HA!)

So thanks Heather for clearing this up. Maybe she can help us make sense of the Super Delegates.......although, at this point I'm not even sure the Super Delegates can make sense of themselves!

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