Friday, May 30, 2008


Nancy P. vs. Hillary C.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has vowed to "step in" if needed to end the primary campaign season. Since Pelosi has already pledged her support to Obama, we must assume that this means she intends to stop the Clinton madness. It is obvious that just about everyone in the United States can see that the election is over, except for Hillary, but I would just like to ask Nancy, what she thinks that she can do about it.

She can't declare the nominee. She could talk to Hillary, but Hillary has yet to listen to anybody, so why would she listen to someone pledged to support Obama?

Maybe Nancy Pelosi should "step in" and get some things done in congress first before she fixes the nomination process. But then again, she has done nothing that she promised when elected to congress, so why would we think she would start now? Sit down Nancy, enjoy the show, it will be over soon.

1 comment:

J-Wild said...

Pelosi hasn't officially endorsed Obama. Reid, Dean, and her have remained "neutral." So what she probably means is that she will endorse someone and as she weilds substantial power being speaker of the House.

Now to your point about her effectiveness in congress, remember we still have a President who vetoed SCHIP and a GOP who is against an updated version of the GI Bill which Bush said he would veto.

That being said, I totally hear what you are saying. It's been totally unnecessary for this nominating process to drag on like it has. If the Dems. are really worried about unity, then the Super Delegates need to get off their butts and make a choice.