Monday, May 26, 2008

A Tribute To A Fallen Hero

A few weeks ago, I learned of the death of a high school classmate, Army Sargent 1st Class Lawrence David Ezell. David was 30 years old when he died on April 30, 2007. He died while serving his country bravely in Iraq.

David had always shown an interest in serving his fellow man in some way, whether it be through law enforcement or in the military. During high school, he was a member of a special program that allowed students to ride along with local law enforcement officers while on patrol. After graduating from high school, David worked in the Kerr County Jail and was a member of the Army National Guard before enlisting on January 11, 1997.

While in the Army, he served in Iraq from March 2003 to October 2004, Afghanistan from October 2005 to April 2006, and again in Iraq from November 2007 until April 2008. He was asked to become part of a special unit and team and joined with the 71st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group on March 23, 2007. This team disposes of bombs and other explosive devices, making it one, if not, the most dangerous job in the Army. He received many medals including the Bronze Star Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, and the Senior Explosive Ordnance Badge.

The day of his death, David was called to dismantle two bombs. He along with two trainees arrived at the location and David assessed the situation. He told his trainees that he had a bad feeling about one of the bombs and asked them to return to the Hummer and not to come out. David dismantled the first bomb and as he started the second, it exploded, killing him instantly. His bravery and heroism saved the two men with him as well as others who might have come in contact with the bomb. His wife will receive for him a Purple Heart and Medal of Honor.

David left behind a wife and two year old son. He was laid to rest with full military honors on May 12, 2008 in Arlington National Cemetery.

This is the first obituary of this blog and hopefully the last. I felt it was appropriate to honor this fallen hero on Memorial Day, the day where we honor all of the fallen who have worn the uniforms of the U.S. Military.

If you are one of my readers, you know that I hold all members of our U.S. Military, past and present, with honor. Those who give the ultimate sacrifice are held in the highest honor. They served willingly, without regard to themselves, and gave everything for their country.

I have been told that God takes the best soldiers to guard the gates of Heaven. I like that thought.

Please join with me today as I pray for the Ezell family and all those who are remembering their lost soldiers this Memorial Day. Pray that the current conflicts can be resolved and our men and women can come home.

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