Sunday, May 25, 2008

She Said What?

Subtitle: Why Hillary is Still Running - In Her Own Words

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until winning California in the middle of June, remember? Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."

Hillary Clinton spoke these words last week when asked to explain why she was continuing in the election. Those words are some of the first to bring together Republicans and Democrats. It brought them together against her.

We will begin with the less obvious, the first remark about her husband, Bill. Yes, Hillary, we remember that Bill wrapped up in California in '92, but California has already had their primary, remember. Puerto Rico, South Dakota, and Montana do not make California and it's delegate count. The remaining primaries hold only 86 delegates together. Even if you win all of them, you will still fall short of the necessary 2026 delegates to clinch the nomination.

Okay, the fun part. The comment about the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Oh where to start? What was your first thought when you heard this? Mine was shock that she actually said that she was staying in the primaries in case of an assassination of the front runner Barack Obama. Could that have been what she meant? Is she now keeping her fingers crossed for a national tragedy as a last hope for the nomination? Of course not, she says, she was only making a historical reference to past campaigns that were not complete until the summer months.

She made a public apology, but I believe it is misdirected. See if you get the same thought that I had. She said,

"The Kennedy's have been on my mind lately because of Senator Kennedy and I regret that if my reference of that moment of trauma for our entire nation and particularly the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever. I have the highest regard for the entire Kennedy family."

Any thoughts? Here was my first; I don't think that the Kennedy's are owed an apology. I think the Obama's and his Secret Service detail and their families are owed the apology. It is no secret that Obama's campaign and security detail have been very worried about his personal safety. He was given Secret Service protection long before any other candidate due to his historical status as the first African American with a real chance at the White House. She has only created more anxiety on the part of those protecting Obama and their families. Her comments have possible put them in more danger than before. You know what they say about the power of suggestion.

Maybe someone should take her aside and explain how some thoughts are not meant to be said out loud. She might need some help determining which things are "family conversation" and which things are okay to be shared outside the family.

Obama's team responded with this comment, "Senator Clinton's statement was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign."

Obama himself also commented that her remarks, "were careless, but I accept Clinton's explanation that she meant no offense."

That sounded like a very politically correct answer. I would have liked a response more like this, "You crazy woman! What are you thinking. That is a pathetically stupid thing to say. You are on a short path to insanity and you are taking the party with you! Sick! Disgusting!"

That however does not sound very Presidential and right now, those candidates who are smart are doing their best to sound like the next commander in chief.

The real looser in this is the democratic party. What has taken years to create is being destroyed by one woman in one election year. She is sending democrats over to John McCain one at a time and she is risking the Democrats win in November. Hillary, it is time to move on. Stop now.

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