Wednesday, May 7, 2008

For The Love Of The Party Hillary, GIVE IT UP!

When I start getting tired of politics, then you know it is getting bad. I love to read about politics, talk about it, write about it, but it is starting to become a chore even to watch the news. Accept it Hillary, it is done, back away from the podium and give your support to your party or you risk hurting the election for the democrats in November.

After yesterday's primaries in North Carolina and Indiana, Hillary is no closer to gaining the most delegates than she was before, in fact, she is farther away. Although she did win the Indiana primary, the margin was so small, she made no gain from it.

It has been reported that Hillary has also loaned her campaign another $6.4 million dollars to continue, bringing the total that she has loaned to $11.6 million dollars. Not a good sign when you are the only one supporting your campaign financially.

Hillary said last night that she would stay in the race until there was a nominee, but the pressure from party leaders is increasing for her to step aside. At least four more super delegates have pledged their support to Obama and many in the past few days have left the Clinton team to join Obama.

Hillary, you have got to step aside or you will risk a loss by the Democratic party in November. It is time to bow out. Do it now while you still have a small amount of dignity (instead of waiting until they have to physically remove you, which would not be a bad idea....)

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