Friday, May 30, 2008

How Can I Join The Rules and Bylaws Committee?

The "Rules and Bylaws Committee" of the DNC will be meeting Saturday to determine if and how delegates from Florida and Michigan will be seated in August. Doesn't that sound like a fun group? The Rules and Bylaws Committee - Master's of the Universe. Honestly, I had never even heard of the RBC before this week, but evidently, they are in place to make decisions when there seems to be some confusion in rules or procedures of the DNC.

I am having a hard time understanding why the group must give up a Saturday and make a decision on something that all interested parties signed off on last year. The states of Florida and Michigan knew that there would be sanctions against them and that they would loose all voting power at the DNC if they held their elections early. They broke the rules, they must face the consequences. Black and white to me.

So what is the problem? Well when Hillary Clinton and her supporters approved and voted for the sanctions she did not think that she would desperately need those delegates to hold on to a shred of hope to win. In fact, right after voting (prior to the Michigan primary) Hillary said this,

"I personally do not think it makes a difference whether my name is on the ballot. You know it is clear the election that are having in Michigan is not going to count for anything."

My how times change. Hillary is now insisting that she has always been outraged that the "innocent" people of Michigan and Florida will not have voice. Last week she said this,

"I have consistently said that the votes cast in Michigan and Florida in January should be considered."

Really? What about the agreement that she signed in January to uphold the decisions of the DNC about Florida and Michigan? What about the past four months when nothing was said about those poor left out states? Could it be that Hillary could have cared less about Florida and Michigan until she was desperately pulling for every delegate and vote? Could it be that the feeling of being entitled to be president is a little shaky and Hillary thinks this makes her look like she is fighting for the "little guy"? Could it be that the 11 page letter she recently sent to every super delegate telling them just why she was the better choice didn't change anyone?

The RBC will sort things out tomorrow, but they will be doing so amid protests and demonstrations that are being encouraged from Hillary and her campaign. Clinton campaign manager, Terry McAuliffe, said yesterday, "I like excitement, lets all join together to show passion!"

Do you think that the RBC members are they types who will be swayed by demonstrations, uproar, and unruly crowds?

Obama's camp however is discouraging any protests or reactions to protests from its supporters. David Plouffe, Obama's campaign manger said,

"We don't think it is helpful to create a disturbance. In the interest of party unity we're encouraging our supporters not to protest." And Obama just keeps smelling like a rose......

Hillary is pulling so hard for these delegates to count, wouldn't it be ironic if the delegates were divided in such a way that Obama gained 40 more delegates tomorrow? He is only 40 delegates away from the magic number needed to claim victory. I can't be the only one who has thought of this.

A concluding thought to leave with Hillary from Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." I believe I see some stumbling.....


J-Wild said...

Hillary is just stunning. I mean, I hope during this meeting they read the agreement that each candidate signed when they agreed to punish FL and MI. I really don't understand how her supporters can be proud of her. Her lack of integrity is stunning and it makes me so excited about Obama bringing in a whole new group of people.

Ray B. said...

Great comments. Thanks for helping all of us to have a better understanding about a campaign that has been rather strange. It will get more interesting after the conventions are concluded and the real debates begin. Maybe then we will hear some real subtantive discussions about the differences between the candidates.