Friday, May 30, 2008

How Can I Join The Rules and Bylaws Committee?

The "Rules and Bylaws Committee" of the DNC will be meeting Saturday to determine if and how delegates from Florida and Michigan will be seated in August. Doesn't that sound like a fun group? The Rules and Bylaws Committee - Master's of the Universe. Honestly, I had never even heard of the RBC before this week, but evidently, they are in place to make decisions when there seems to be some confusion in rules or procedures of the DNC.

I am having a hard time understanding why the group must give up a Saturday and make a decision on something that all interested parties signed off on last year. The states of Florida and Michigan knew that there would be sanctions against them and that they would loose all voting power at the DNC if they held their elections early. They broke the rules, they must face the consequences. Black and white to me.

So what is the problem? Well when Hillary Clinton and her supporters approved and voted for the sanctions she did not think that she would desperately need those delegates to hold on to a shred of hope to win. In fact, right after voting (prior to the Michigan primary) Hillary said this,

"I personally do not think it makes a difference whether my name is on the ballot. You know it is clear the election that are having in Michigan is not going to count for anything."

My how times change. Hillary is now insisting that she has always been outraged that the "innocent" people of Michigan and Florida will not have voice. Last week she said this,

"I have consistently said that the votes cast in Michigan and Florida in January should be considered."

Really? What about the agreement that she signed in January to uphold the decisions of the DNC about Florida and Michigan? What about the past four months when nothing was said about those poor left out states? Could it be that Hillary could have cared less about Florida and Michigan until she was desperately pulling for every delegate and vote? Could it be that the feeling of being entitled to be president is a little shaky and Hillary thinks this makes her look like she is fighting for the "little guy"? Could it be that the 11 page letter she recently sent to every super delegate telling them just why she was the better choice didn't change anyone?

The RBC will sort things out tomorrow, but they will be doing so amid protests and demonstrations that are being encouraged from Hillary and her campaign. Clinton campaign manager, Terry McAuliffe, said yesterday, "I like excitement, lets all join together to show passion!"

Do you think that the RBC members are they types who will be swayed by demonstrations, uproar, and unruly crowds?

Obama's camp however is discouraging any protests or reactions to protests from its supporters. David Plouffe, Obama's campaign manger said,

"We don't think it is helpful to create a disturbance. In the interest of party unity we're encouraging our supporters not to protest." And Obama just keeps smelling like a rose......

Hillary is pulling so hard for these delegates to count, wouldn't it be ironic if the delegates were divided in such a way that Obama gained 40 more delegates tomorrow? He is only 40 delegates away from the magic number needed to claim victory. I can't be the only one who has thought of this.

A concluding thought to leave with Hillary from Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." I believe I see some stumbling.....


Nancy P. vs. Hillary C.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has vowed to "step in" if needed to end the primary campaign season. Since Pelosi has already pledged her support to Obama, we must assume that this means she intends to stop the Clinton madness. It is obvious that just about everyone in the United States can see that the election is over, except for Hillary, but I would just like to ask Nancy, what she thinks that she can do about it.

She can't declare the nominee. She could talk to Hillary, but Hillary has yet to listen to anybody, so why would she listen to someone pledged to support Obama?

Maybe Nancy Pelosi should "step in" and get some things done in congress first before she fixes the nomination process. But then again, she has done nothing that she promised when elected to congress, so why would we think she would start now? Sit down Nancy, enjoy the show, it will be over soon.

Monday, May 26, 2008

A Tribute To A Fallen Hero

A few weeks ago, I learned of the death of a high school classmate, Army Sargent 1st Class Lawrence David Ezell. David was 30 years old when he died on April 30, 2007. He died while serving his country bravely in Iraq.

David had always shown an interest in serving his fellow man in some way, whether it be through law enforcement or in the military. During high school, he was a member of a special program that allowed students to ride along with local law enforcement officers while on patrol. After graduating from high school, David worked in the Kerr County Jail and was a member of the Army National Guard before enlisting on January 11, 1997.

While in the Army, he served in Iraq from March 2003 to October 2004, Afghanistan from October 2005 to April 2006, and again in Iraq from November 2007 until April 2008. He was asked to become part of a special unit and team and joined with the 71st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group on March 23, 2007. This team disposes of bombs and other explosive devices, making it one, if not, the most dangerous job in the Army. He received many medals including the Bronze Star Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, and the Senior Explosive Ordnance Badge.

The day of his death, David was called to dismantle two bombs. He along with two trainees arrived at the location and David assessed the situation. He told his trainees that he had a bad feeling about one of the bombs and asked them to return to the Hummer and not to come out. David dismantled the first bomb and as he started the second, it exploded, killing him instantly. His bravery and heroism saved the two men with him as well as others who might have come in contact with the bomb. His wife will receive for him a Purple Heart and Medal of Honor.

David left behind a wife and two year old son. He was laid to rest with full military honors on May 12, 2008 in Arlington National Cemetery.

This is the first obituary of this blog and hopefully the last. I felt it was appropriate to honor this fallen hero on Memorial Day, the day where we honor all of the fallen who have worn the uniforms of the U.S. Military.

If you are one of my readers, you know that I hold all members of our U.S. Military, past and present, with honor. Those who give the ultimate sacrifice are held in the highest honor. They served willingly, without regard to themselves, and gave everything for their country.

I have been told that God takes the best soldiers to guard the gates of Heaven. I like that thought.

Please join with me today as I pray for the Ezell family and all those who are remembering their lost soldiers this Memorial Day. Pray that the current conflicts can be resolved and our men and women can come home.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Math Update

I haven't done a delegate count for a while (okay, I have done nothing for a while, but get off my back!) so here are the latest numbers:

Super Delegate Count:
Obama 321
Clinton 280

Total Delegate Count:
Obama 1970
Clinton 1780

Total Popular Vote:
Obama 16,685,941 (+458,427)
Clinton 16,227,514

These numbers are not counting Florida and Michigan, but even if those states get some of their delegates, they are likely to be divided between Obama and Hillary, not making a big change in the numbers and they way they stand.

The magic number is 2026. That is the number of delegates that is necessary for a nomination. Only 57 delegates away, Barack could easily clench that with big wins in the final three primaries. Not to mention the still 175 uncommitted super delegates.

But don't worry Hillary, you still have a chance. Let's make that math work. You currently have 1780 delegates. If you can convince all 175 uncommitted super delegates to vote for you that would bring your total to 1955. I know that you can do this with all the really intelligent, sensitive things that have been coming out of your mouth lately. Then, Hillary you need to win all the remaining primaries. Remember that is Puerto Rico, South Dakota, and Montana. With all 86 remaining primary delegates, you can win with 15 delegates to spare!

Reality Check - It ain't gonna happen. Maybe we should bring in some statistics and probability.....

She Said What?

Subtitle: Why Hillary is Still Running - In Her Own Words

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until winning California in the middle of June, remember? Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California."

Hillary Clinton spoke these words last week when asked to explain why she was continuing in the election. Those words are some of the first to bring together Republicans and Democrats. It brought them together against her.

We will begin with the less obvious, the first remark about her husband, Bill. Yes, Hillary, we remember that Bill wrapped up in California in '92, but California has already had their primary, remember. Puerto Rico, South Dakota, and Montana do not make California and it's delegate count. The remaining primaries hold only 86 delegates together. Even if you win all of them, you will still fall short of the necessary 2026 delegates to clinch the nomination.

Okay, the fun part. The comment about the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Oh where to start? What was your first thought when you heard this? Mine was shock that she actually said that she was staying in the primaries in case of an assassination of the front runner Barack Obama. Could that have been what she meant? Is she now keeping her fingers crossed for a national tragedy as a last hope for the nomination? Of course not, she says, she was only making a historical reference to past campaigns that were not complete until the summer months.

She made a public apology, but I believe it is misdirected. See if you get the same thought that I had. She said,

"The Kennedy's have been on my mind lately because of Senator Kennedy and I regret that if my reference of that moment of trauma for our entire nation and particularly the Kennedy family was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that whatsoever. I have the highest regard for the entire Kennedy family."

Any thoughts? Here was my first; I don't think that the Kennedy's are owed an apology. I think the Obama's and his Secret Service detail and their families are owed the apology. It is no secret that Obama's campaign and security detail have been very worried about his personal safety. He was given Secret Service protection long before any other candidate due to his historical status as the first African American with a real chance at the White House. She has only created more anxiety on the part of those protecting Obama and their families. Her comments have possible put them in more danger than before. You know what they say about the power of suggestion.

Maybe someone should take her aside and explain how some thoughts are not meant to be said out loud. She might need some help determining which things are "family conversation" and which things are okay to be shared outside the family.

Obama's team responded with this comment, "Senator Clinton's statement was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign."

Obama himself also commented that her remarks, "were careless, but I accept Clinton's explanation that she meant no offense."

That sounded like a very politically correct answer. I would have liked a response more like this, "You crazy woman! What are you thinking. That is a pathetically stupid thing to say. You are on a short path to insanity and you are taking the party with you! Sick! Disgusting!"

That however does not sound very Presidential and right now, those candidates who are smart are doing their best to sound like the next commander in chief.

The real looser in this is the democratic party. What has taken years to create is being destroyed by one woman in one election year. She is sending democrats over to John McCain one at a time and she is risking the Democrats win in November. Hillary, it is time to move on. Stop now.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

For The Love Of The Party Hillary, GIVE IT UP!

When I start getting tired of politics, then you know it is getting bad. I love to read about politics, talk about it, write about it, but it is starting to become a chore even to watch the news. Accept it Hillary, it is done, back away from the podium and give your support to your party or you risk hurting the election for the democrats in November.

After yesterday's primaries in North Carolina and Indiana, Hillary is no closer to gaining the most delegates than she was before, in fact, she is farther away. Although she did win the Indiana primary, the margin was so small, she made no gain from it.

It has been reported that Hillary has also loaned her campaign another $6.4 million dollars to continue, bringing the total that she has loaned to $11.6 million dollars. Not a good sign when you are the only one supporting your campaign financially.

Hillary said last night that she would stay in the race until there was a nominee, but the pressure from party leaders is increasing for her to step aside. At least four more super delegates have pledged their support to Obama and many in the past few days have left the Clinton team to join Obama.

Hillary, you have got to step aside or you will risk a loss by the Democratic party in November. It is time to bow out. Do it now while you still have a small amount of dignity (instead of waiting until they have to physically remove you, which would not be a bad idea....)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

They Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves

They have done it again. For the second straight quarter, Exxon Mobil has reported record quarterly earnings of $10.9 billion dollars or 17%. This is the second largest US quarterly corporate ever, the first being Exxon's quarterly earnings for the last three months of 2007.

They announced that they were "slightly disappointed" in the less than expected earnings due to crude prices rising faster than the prices at the gas pumps.

Are they living on Mars? What kind of audacity does it take for someone to boast these profits when the US economy is crumbling? I'm not against companies making a profit, but have some sensitivity for goodness sake.

They are not alone. As I blogged yesterday, bp reported a 63% gain from last year earning $7.billion, while Shell and Conoco Phillips reported $9.08 billion and $4.14 billion respectively. Cheveron reports on Friday.

All of this in the mists of news that unemployment rose from 35,000 two weeks ago to 380,000 last week. Consumer spending is up, but only because of higher food and energy costs. More layoffs are expected from GM and retailers including Home Depot, which is reporting that they will be closing at least 15 stores due to lower construction spending.