Saturday, July 5, 2008

Um, Senator McCain, Did You Forget About the Election?

It seems through John McCain's actions of late, he has completely forgotten that he is (or rather should be) actively engaged in the general election. It is any one's guess as to what is going on in a candidates mind, but many are starting to wonder what the plan is for the GOP. Just this week McCain has re-organized his team, but seems to still be lacking in a plan of any kind.

I would not criticize McCain on his patriotism, as some have done, but I do question his reasons for spending time in South American discussing trade agreements just four months from a general election, during the July 4th holiday, no less. Trade is important, essential for our country, but it seems that other topics, (war, food prices, health care) would be much more important for McCain to be exploring at this time. I would also think a couple of well planned "4th of July Picnic" pictures of McCain visiting with the "normal folk" would have been a nice touch to increase likability. Sure he might not have had a child's soccer game to attend this week, but just about every town had something going on yesterday.

When I think about qualities that I would like to see in a president, leadership, organization, and good communication are some that come to mind. These have been missing as of late from the McCain camp. The complete lack of any kind of organization for a general election campaign is a scary start. Any campaign needs a leader who can get things done and we are not seeing that from John. Getting things done starts with good communication.

Sorry John, but this week goes to General Clark, you are a war hero, but it does not mean you will be a heroic president. (I think I said it a little softer than Wesley did, maybe?)

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