Thursday, July 10, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Last weekend, the Obama family sat down and did an interview as a group. The interview, that was meant for one show, has created a sensation and every major network has aired clips of the interview as part of their news shows. When asked about the interview yesterday, Barack admitted that he and Michelle probably got carried away by allowing the interview and that no other interviews including the children would be taking place.

Now, I understand the need to protect your children and allowing an interview really puts them out there for the world to see, but I think that the interview has shown yet another side to Barack: the family man. I really think that it was a positive thing, but I do understand his hesitancy to do anymore like it.

Growing up in church, and seeing the process of hiring new preachers a few times, I understand how a church hires "the whole family, not just the preacher." That makes sense to me. I see some similarities when electing a president. I really think that it is important to see the potential candidates family and to see how the family interacts together. We are not just electing the president, we are electing the whole family.

There is no question that first ladies play a huge role in the years that their husbands serve as president. They have the potential to do many good things and I think everyone would agree that a good partnership between the first lady and president is a huge plus. The children of a president don't play such a role, but the way people interact with their kids gives a lot of insight to their character.

During the interview, the Obama girls, aged 10 and 7, spoke candidly about their dad, and things he does around the house that bug him. For example, his 10 year old spoke of being mortified when her dad shook the hand of a friend of hers instead of just "waving to her." The family laughed and teased each other, all in good fun. You could tell that this was the way the family acts when they are together, there was no acting or putting up a front. The girls were typical children, but were very polite, well mannered, and respectful. Both Obama and Michelle were also respectful of the girls which showed a really good family dynamic.

In a world where a "functional" family is uncommon and a two parent home is rare, isn't it nice to see a family that respects one another and loves each other? What a great example.

While I agree that children should not be exploited or exposed to the media unduly, I don't believe that this was big mistake on the part of the Obama's. I think it showed another side to the family that was very pleasant and well received.

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