Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dog Days Of Summer in the Obama House

Have you heard the latest news about the Obama Campaign? It seems that the Obama girls have been wanting a dog for a long time and mom and dad have finally relented, telling the girls after the November election, the family can get a dog. The conservative press has had a field day with this sarcastic commenting about the importance of the "dog search" over the war or economy. They are right, but in a way, this dog search makes the Obama's more likable and more reachable to the American public. This could actually help him reach more voters.

The American Kennel Club has set up a poll (as have I) to determine what dog the Obama's should choose for their family pet. The options were chosen based on several criteria. First, evidently the Obama girls have some allergies so the AKC had to choose breeds that were anti-allergy. Since the girls are 10 and 7 breeds had to be child friendly and since part of presidential duties (assuming the Obama's become the first family) include frequent travel, the pet must be a good travel companion. Probably most important, the dog must have a stable and social temperament since he or she will be meeting a plethora of people from White House staff to heads of state. No need to take the Prime Minister's hand off.

The breeds that were chosen include:

Bichon Frise - the fluffy curly haired dog. I think that this is the kind Jessica Simpson has.

Chinese Crested - skinny almost hairless dog that has long hair on it's face.

Poodle - everybody knows what a poodle looks like.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - hair is always in his eyes - the dog on Disney movie "The Shaggy Dog".

Mini Schnauzer - adorable little dog - always has a little bow on top of its head.

(Sorry - the extend of my talent does not allow me to upload photos - I tried)

Although family dogs have little to do with running the country, they make the president more real, more down to earth. I can almost see the minds of Americans working, "Well if he picks up dog poop just like me......."

Of course, as with any move a potential president makes, there are critics. The web is full of sites urging the Obama's to adopt a dog from a shelter rather than buying a fancy expensive breed. Of course he will get grief either way I'm sure.

We will see in November who our next president will be and more importantly, what kind of dog the Obama's will welcome into their home.

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