Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Like A Puppet On A String

Hillary Clinton has announced that she will not concede the election immediately, stating that she believes she has "earned" the right to reflect on how to proceed. What is there to reflect on? She lost.

I'll tell you what she is reflecting. She still wants in the white house. She is just trying to decide if she has a better chance as a vice presidential candidate or as an independent presidential candidate. She wants to keep her options open so she can have leverage to negotiate with Obama. She has publicly announced that she would "consider the vice presidency if it was good for the party." What she meant was she would "consider the vice presidency if it was good for her."

Obama has a hard job ahead of him. If he does choose her as a running mate, it would almost ensure the big win in November by gaining the votes of Hillary supporters. If he does not, it will be a hard road to November and the win.

Sounds easy if you want to win right? Wrong. Would you want Hillary Clinton as your Vice President? I picture it something like a ventriloquist with a puppet. Hillary would stand behind Obama, moving his mouth and telling him what to say. Obama would truly become a "status president" with the VP taking charge. Hillary is not going to take a back seat to anyone. It would get ugly.

If she decides to run as an independent candidate, it will be the end of the democratic party as we known it. McCain will win in November. She will divide democratic supporters and probably cause irreparable damage to the party. If she loves her party and country, she will join with Obama either as a running mate or as a supporter.

She needs to make a decision and she needs to look at the best interest of her party and country, not herself, when she makes that decision.

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