Tuesday, June 24, 2008

James Dobson vs. Barack Obama

This morning on his talk show, "Focus on the Family", James Dobson denounced Barack Obama for "distorting the Bible" and pushing a "fruitcake interpretation" of the constitution. Dobson has never been one for mincing words and he has been very liberal with his comments against John McCain, but these latest words focusing on the upcoming election have evoked criticism from both sides of the issue.

The speech which Dobson referred to this morning was given last year in June of 2007 to a liberal Christian group, Call to Renewal. According to reports, the speech was very warmly received as Obama focused on a call to tolerance and acceptance.

I have never really gotten on the whole "James Dobson Movement". I used to listen to him on the radio going to work and liked some of the things he would say. I agree with him when it comes to creating strong families and things like that. I have read a couple of his books and they are okay, but my opinion has really been that he is one of those experts who can talk, but has he really practiced any of the advice? I don't know, maybe he has. I don't know that much about him.

There is a new movement out led by Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell that is calling other pastors and Christians to support Barack Obama. They started a website called: http://jamesdobsondoesntspeakforme.com
This website outlines the quotes that Dobson used on his show this morning from Barack Obama and what Dobson's problem with the quotes were. I am asking my readers to click on the link and read the page. Then come back and comment about what you think. You don't have to register, just scroll down and read all the points that Dobson made. I will see what you guys think and then share my own thoughts.

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